May 3, 2016

Blu-ray & DVD: The Digital Dread Report for 5/3

*Check out our other Release Date Pages: Blu-ray & DVD, Theatrical, VOD, TV.

We're not featuring any new discs up top this week because, to be honest, there's nothing hugely noteworthy that's seeing release. At least not Horror-wise, anyhow.

Sure, Emelie (read our review HERE) and Submerged are decent enough flicks; and ID4, Top Gun, and the Fast & Furious set are great too; but they're nothing that we'd promote as being a Must Own. We really do try to put what we feel are really great releases up at the top of our Digital Dread Reports, because if you're going to take our word when we say "But this disc!" then we have to be selective.

That said, take a look through this week's releases below, because hey, just because we don't want to buy something, doesn't mean that it's without merit.

*Be sure to click the pics below to order yourself some flicks!


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