Parents of modern day teens don't help matters much, mostly by giving them far too much unsupervised freedom at such a young age; for kids, growing up now isn't the same as it was for their parents, because the Internet has changed all of that; webcams, smart phones, Twitter, Facebook... all of those give strangers far too much access into the lives of our kids, and far too easily.
In relation to the point of this movie, kids are sexualized far too early these days, and the creepy thing is that a lot of the time, they do it to themselves. At any given time on many Social Media, webcam or even porn sites, you have teen girls either talking sex, trying to hook up, or taking provocative pictures/video of themselves, all of which make them nothing more than sexual objects to anyone watching or talking with them.
They don't think, they attract the wrong attention, and they end up in trouble. That is the point of this movie.
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FYI, the media loves to exploit missing white girls for all they're worth. Not so much anyone with darker skin though. |
I am NOT preaching here. The only thing better than a naked girl is a dumb one with no self-esteem. Daddy Issues are the best. And before someone reads this and thinks "What a jerk!," try having a penis sometimes ladies, it's no picnic. It fills us with shame and lust, and we do tend to objectify the pretty things that are thrown in our face, especially when it's done so casually.
It's just that it's creepy when all of this debauchery applies to 15-year-olds. So, me no preachy, I'm just sayin' that youngins are really scandalous these days...
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If only they had never danced on camera... |
We find out that Megan was abused when she was 9, which pretty much set her life on a course for self-destruction. So, despite being a moron, we can't help but feel for her, and neither can Amy. Amy is drawn to the wilder lifestyle that Megan leads, because she isn't wild at all, and Megan wants the normalcy of Amy's life, because she is. Somehow through all of that they form a pretty solid bond, and fill in each others gaps. Figuratively, pervs. Although that is a funny pun.
Long story short, Megan meets a "kid" named "Josh" in a Chatroom, decides to hook up with him, and disappears. Amy, obviously distraught, launches a campaign to find out what happened to her friend, and ends up finding herself in some creepy danger of her own. To say more about what unfolds and how would be a disservice to the impact of the movie, so let's just say that "Josh" is a lie!
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The last 20 minutes of this movie will disturb you for life. No joke. |
This movie's plot is the culmination of 7 different real-life cases involving missing teens and Internet predators, which Goi rolled into one to get he point across. He even went so far as to even observe real teens while they were chatting online with friends, to be as true as possible to the subject matter. this movie is definitely a labor of tough love for Michael Goi.
At times it feels like we aren't watching kids talking via video chat, rather 20-year-olds pretending to be kids talking via video chat, but the message of it all is important, and it validates the lackluster storytelling for the most part. Megan is Missing is an unsettling, disturbing glimpse of what happens to these kids when they're abducted, only to be found dead later on, if they're ever found at all. Our small gripes aside, he got it all mostly right. Perfect or not, it's effective as hell.
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Stop trying to be not 13 years old! |
-Megan disappears, and her best friend Amy mentions nothing about the guy from online that she went to meet behind the diner? Not even one casual word about it, even after Megan's mom is on the news talking about how she just wants her back safe?
-Amy doesn't report "Josh" to the Police right away, even though he was the one Megan was going to meet when she disappeared? And when she finally does, she's still allowed online by her parents, the Police do nothing to monitor her online activity, and she just casually continues to video chat (one sided, mind you) with "Josh," even when he becomes abusive and threatening to her?
-After her best friend goes missing, not only do Amy's parents allow her to continue with unfettered Internet access, but they allow her to leave the house with her video camera to wander the streets alone, and for long periods of time? A 14-year-old girl, with a friend that went missing... and no one says "you aren't going anywhere alone" or "no more chatting online," especially once she tells her parents and the police about "Josh?"
-And when no one stops her from roaming around aimlessly, shooting video diaries under creepy, out-of-the-way bridges, she doesn't once get scared that she could be in danger? I'm in my 30's, and I wouldn't be hanging out under that rapey fucking bridge, even if nothing creepy were going on in my life. Even if Amy were naive or ignorant enough to do all of these things, I find it hard to believe that her parents or law enforcement wouldn't step in immediately to make some of these decisions for her. Then again, I can't believe that a 14-year-old girl wouldn't be terrified enough to not want to leave the house ever again when the guy that she's pretty sure abducted her friend tells her "shut your mouth... I'm watching you." That just doesn't wash.
Some of the goings-on in this movie just made no logical sense to us whatsoever, but maybe that was the point of the whole thing.
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Who lets 14-year-old girls out of the house at night wearing party clothes? |
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Damn. |
No nudity, but there are plenty of scenes where teen sexuality is both discussed and implied.
Stay off of the Internet if you want to live. Also, teenagers party way harder than most adults do.
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How's that video diary going, huh? |
For Horror fans though, if you like to be skeeved out and have been looking for a reason to never chat online again, this is it.
Megan is Missing is available now on DVD and VOD.
Megan is Missing stars, Rachel Quinn and Amber Perkins, haven't really done much acting following their work on the flick... maybe they're off finishing College?
Sounds good overall! My kids are still a bit young (4 and 6) but I worry about them already, and *I* was a young and stupid teenager who met guys off the internet, so I'm even more paranoid as a parent now, heh. I'm definitely adding this to my to-watch list!
DeleteI've just finished watching this and it shocked me too.I like to think I'm pretty hardcore but that last 22 minutes is brutal.This film should be shown in schools as a warning film.
ReplyDeleteRarely do directors get a message across so effectively.
The main character is based on Carlie Brucia she had a cat named Charlie was taken by a predator behind a car wash etc read this
I've just finished watching this and it shocked me too.I like to think I'm pretty hardcore but that last 22 minutes is brutal.This film should be shown in schools as a warning film.
ReplyDeleteRarely do directors get a message across so effectively.
Yeah Zocial, brutal is right.
ReplyDeleteIt makes me think of missing kids in a whole different light, and by that I mean it's all the more horrific to hear about now.
the last 22 mins jus left me speechless my jaw instantly dropped when amy saw that megan was in the barrel that hardst part to watch other then watchin them get burried was watchin amy being raped thats was by far the most disturbing part of the movie and i agree with zocial they need to show this film to schools to NEVER chat with anybody on webchats and let alone meet the person after just randomly start talking to the person when i have kids im gna show them this video as a warning not to do stupid shit like this cuz thats main reason so many young girls get abducted cuz they meet a seemingly nice person online and trust them not knowing one thng about the person
ReplyDeleteSo, just watched this myself. Whew, what a tough watch there at the end. The first part of the movie wasn't really doing much for me but it started to pick up pace towards the last half. Anyway, yea, that last 20 or so minutes were tough. I mean, i have (as most of us) seen some pretty gnarly stuff but this did have me gritting my teeth.
ReplyDeleteGreat blog by the way. wanted to come back and read your review after watching it and you did a GREAT job and summarizing the movie. Great rant by the way!
Elliott and Mikebene, I'm with you all the way.
ReplyDeleteA small part of me thought I may have over reacted to the ending, but I'm glad to hear it's toying with your emotions too.
Well not glad, but you know what I mean :)
What a great idea,to make this movie but it was so brutal the last 22 min it hurt me to the core :(
ReplyDeletei think this movie is fucking sick and twisted! it brings the subject to a whole new light! i watch alot of horror movies and read alot of horror novels as well as alot of serial killer novels and i have never been so terrified, disgusted, sad and sick. i couldnt even make it past the part where megan was in the barrel. if this movie doesnt get the point across to children then nothing will! the creator obviously did alot of reasearch! but i do have to say that obviously the 22 mins of video did not seem real and i hope to god it wasnt........
ReplyDeleteShow this movie to high school kids? Oh yes, what a great idea. That's exactly what I want my little 13 year-old to be sent to school for...
Dear Anonymous fucktard,
ReplyDeleteWhen we said "Show your kids this movie", we didn't mean adolescents. If you do have a teenaged girl though, especially one who might be interested in meeting boys online, she's most likely to the point where a horror movie should be the least of your worries.
It was a blanket statement, meant to say "Hey parents, this could be your kid. Do whatever you need to do to make sure it isn't."
The only idiot present here is you. I could give a shit what you do with your kid, but you should take the message of this movie to heart, because things like this do happen.
And next time you open your mouth, before the crap rolls out, at least make sure you aren't inventing things in your head. We never said show it in school. Then again you aren't very bright to begin with.
Shoot myself you say? Pot, meet kettle.
What i wanna is why is your 13 year old in high school? lol
ReplyDeleteIn uk kids start high school at 11
DeleteIn the UK, kids start 'high school' after they turn 11...
DeleteIt's inspired me to write a movie about a person who cruises the internet looking for people writing comments and mini-reviews about films who he then compliments on their intellect and asks if he can meet in real life so that they can discuss paying them for tv appearances etc. The twist is that they are in fact complete twats who include massive spoilers below the actual proper review that has a properly marked 'spoilers below' type paragraph and he's really planning to remove their eyes with splinters of a dirty old smashed up VHS tape. I might call it 'Elliot' or something, I don't know yet. So 'Megan' was good though yeah? Obviously I don't need to see it myself as I was foolish enough to read the comments below the very good and carefully constructed actual review.
ReplyDeleteAnon, I'd gladly watch that movie if you ever make it :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the balanced review of my film. I knew that the movie would generate strong reactions in people, and that was indeed the point. We see so many reports of child abductions on TV that the subject loses its personal perspective. I was trying to correct that with MEGAN IS MISSING. We are talking about people, specifically children, who are unprepared to deal with the kind of deception that can take place on the internet. The more I researched the subject, the more horrified I felt about it, and my response was to make this movie as factual as possible so that the world would never again be able to dismiss another TV report about an internet predator or a child abduction with a casual "that's too bad." The world is what we make it. I refuse to let this kind of evil exist without fighting it. If my movie shocks and disturbs people with the truth, that's the first step in getting people to talk about the subject and what can be done about it.
ReplyDeleteMichael Goi
My 14 year old watchef this movie at her friends last night. She was absolutely terrified by it. She was still in tears this morning talking about it and trying to cope with the fact that unfortunately this is a reality. Although i wish she would have made sure of what she was watching, im glad she did watch it. I think it really did scare some sense into her. As for me, i haven't seen the film. Its too much for me to stomach.
DeleteI'm 13 and I only started this movie. I felt my stomach drop after the photos, so I came on here to see what the rest is like. After reading these reviews, I AM NOT FINISHING. I'm so scared about what I might see, and I won't be able to un-see it. I'm glad I didn't watch it after reading these reviews!
DeleteI'm 13 and I'm glad I didn't finish the movie after reading the reviews after seeing the two pictures. I just felt my stomach drop when I saw them. After now know what this movie is like at the end, I AM NOT FINISHING.
DeleteEven with the warning, I was not prepared to see such horrible pictures or this disgusting display of debauchery. I did not really expect this content on HuLu Plus for all to see without a better disclaimer or at least a description warning people of the severe depravity of this - I had to go to the internet to see the point of this to justify even watching so-called "thriller" movies at all ever again because it disturbed me to the core - the horrible picture - I could not even understand it until I was forced to think about it and try to figure it out which I wish I never had to know. You definitely proved your point though. I am sad to know these poor children not only suffer from the depravities of their own parents but then go on to suffer even more by the acts of others even more depraved. Obviously, the internet is a cesspool of human depravities and even exacerbates the fact that these depravities exist. In the past, it was hard for serial killers to operate unless they had financial support by being rich or were able to function enough socially to be able to work to support their sick habits - but in this day and age they make their living actually selling pictures, films ,etc, of their hellish acts and communicate with others to join them. The fact that the killer was at the party was chilling and that this is a true story of several all rolled into one should show people that this really happened to someone. Poor people cannot protect themselves from it and rich people are too spoiled to stop their kids from their entitlement - it is a vicious cycle of a pure hellish nightmare. Parents should do more than beware - they should join groups to sponsor activities for the children and teenagers and know where they are at all times under not only parental supervision but also under camera surveillance because Trust No One is forevermore the mantra of the millennium. I knew bad things were happening to missing children and teens and that was enough for me to know personally . I do not think our minds have to be dredged through hell to get the point across but maybe some people are too dense to get the point otherwise. Kids never know why their parents tell them not to do things - they can only imagine - but could never imagine this. I have felt for a long time that everyone should have a tracker implanted in an unknown location of their skin as it would deter a lot of crime doing and victimization so we would know where everyone is at all times but that would be the "mark of the beast" so to speak. Ironically, it would save lives and help the police a LOT. That probably will never happen because we still have free will. I guess we will have to settle for tazers and self defense classes. PS - DONT GET IN THE CAR - once you are in the car - you are dead anyway.
DeleteI have 2 daughters 12 and 14. Both are online almost daily. My 12 year old sat and watched this movie with me. And my 14 year old will be watching it with me tonight. I know some of you think this is not appropriate for kids to watch but it did teach my 12 year old some things and she even thanked me for letting her watch it with me. After it was over we sat and had an all new discussion about the dangers of talking to strangers online. This is an excellent movie. I would just like to say thank you for putting so much effort into your research for this film. You did a great job!!
ReplyDeleteThank you Mr. Goi for stopping by and dropping us a comment. We applaud you for your film's message, and disturbing or not, we agree that it is something people need to see, even if only to open up dialogue about the issue.
ReplyDeleteI hope everyone sees your movie.
And Anon, that's fantastic that this movie allowed you to breach the topic of online dangers with your girls. And tell your 12 year old we think she's brave for watching, because this one even scared us :)
This movie has no redeeming qualities. This is not a "powerful" film and there is no message to be delivered- no lesson to be learned. What we have here is a thinly-veiled attempt to deliver a child porn snuff film disguised as a third-rate found footage movie. The acting was terrible. None of it was believable. I would not subject any child to this obscenity. Parents, if you want to teach your kids the dangers of the internet, go ahead- you don't need a worthless film to do that.
ReplyDeleteI found this blog while looking for Some way to get through to a 14 year old family member who has been having an online relationship with a 21 year old from mexico. NOTHING ANYONE HAS DONE OR SAID IS CHANGING HER MIND! She continues to find ways to contact him!!! Borrowing other people's phones. Using the computer at school and friends houses. We cannot make technology disappear! And now I have recently found out they are making plans to meet!!! At this point I am scared to death and THE AUTHORITIES SAY THEY CAN'T HELP UNTIL SOMETHING HAPPENS!!! IF ANYONE OUT THERE HAS ANY IDEAS Of WHAT TO DO PLEASE SHARE!!!
Deleteokay, this movie is haunting! I watched it with my 2 daughters after my brother suggested it. all our jaws dropped and shock kicked in. we couldnt sleep for a coupe of days. its very hard to sit threw. the message is powerful and it slaps the shit out of any gullable teenager. a must see!!
ReplyDeleteThis movie definitely had my stomach in knots. Our kids whom are 14 and 16 had a hard time watching it. But they did and realized that it's not all flowers and love with those unknown friends. Both kids got up after the movie and deleted tons of friends on Facebook. Others kids I have heard since watching the movie deleted between 40 and 100 friends on theirs as well. We all couldn't sleep afterwards. I would suggest watching this during the day so that your mind has time to process the horrifying events.
ReplyDeleteGood for them, Anon. And yeah, during the day might be best lol
ReplyDeleteRE:: Anonymous!!! who Stated that ("This movie has no redeeming qualities. This is not a "powerful" film and there is no message to be delivered- no lesson to be learned. What we have here is a thinly-veiled attempt to deliver a child porn snuff film disguised as a third-rate found footage movie. The acting was terrible. None of it was believable. I would not subject any child to this obscenity. Parents, if you want to teach your kids the dangers of the internet, go ahead- you don't need a worthless film to do that."",) if you think this movie had no message to deliver than you must have serious issues,..... being a mother myself , i have not seen a movie that would scare a child into staying away from online strangers as much as this would, the only thing i can think of is there is a reason you dont want children to see this and learn from it and that reason scares me ,Do you have secrets of video chatting yourself..but on the side of danger, are you online seeking a child to harm??...I sure hope not. If this true story of combined cases saves one life it will have served is purpose..
ReplyDeleteWell said, Concerned Mom. Well said.
ReplyDeleteI recently watched this movie and I thought the film was very truthful through all of the vloging and chating but when it got to the last 22 minutes.... I've seen some gorey shit and I'm not a queasy person at all but I was very nearly physically ill when they showed the inside of that barrel and I couldn't even finish the movie.
ReplyDeleteNo shame in that, Bluemoon. MIM is a tough one to stomach, and the last 22 minutes or so is really disturbing.
ReplyDeleteHey, I'm 15 from New Jersey, my mom showed me this film. It really affected me and I was frightened by it. I have deleted tonnes of friends on skype and facebook, friends I have never met. I have also removed alot of private information eg my cell number or my address. I'm so grateful to my mom for showing this to me! I love her so much I'd hate for her to go through something as bad as having her child abducted,raped and murdered. PLEASE parents show this to your teenagers, yeah its disturbing, but so educational, I'm so much better off from seeing this film. Thank you so much to the people that made this film happen, its completely horrifying but I'm so much better off now. Please. Show your kids! Love them.
ReplyDeletekisses xxxx
Good for you NJ Anon. Give your mom a kiss on the cheek for us and tell her she rocks.
ReplyDeleteAnd good for you for being a bit safer online. You can enjoy the internet and have lots of fun with it and be safe at the same time.
It's good to see that a movie can prompt people to take action like this. People are listening to the message of director Michael Goi, and he should be proud that he's made a real difference in real lives with his work.
I am definitely glad that the movie is making its message clear and that young people are responding. And thanks to this site for spreading that awareness.
ReplyDeleteMichael Goi
Megan Is Missing
Thank-you for everyone's comments. There is definitely a raw and deep reaction to this film, and the need to get upset about it. I found myself physically affected, the video camera footage was so frightening because it is depicting things that DO happen to our children, and the people who take pleasure in doing it. Why we allow a budget for some things, and not for hunting these predators is beyond me. It comes down to a lack of resources. If they can so easily hunt our children, we can hunt them too. I just feel really sick. I didn't know what the deal was with this movie being a composite of 7 real events, that made it even more frightening to me to actually have in my mind that the 22 minutes were real footage, even though I knew they weren't. I FELT it as if it was, because we KNOW this happens to people in real life. What are we doing if many of us hasn't even lifted a finger to stop this?
ReplyDeleteWe should all feel sick indeed. This film is a wake up call to all people. How dare we call the teenagers naive.
Well said, Anon.
ReplyDeleteIf nothing else, this movie has a lot of people talking and thinking.
That's at least a step in the right direction.
Can somebody just confirm that the last 22min. Were indeed fake! My stomach won't stop hurting until I know. Very good and disturbing movie!!!
ReplyDeleteIt was absolutely fake, just a movie. That's not to say things like that haven't/don't happen, but what you saw was fiction.
ReplyDeleteEven being fake, it make us queasy too :)~
Omg im 15. Me and my friend watched this on xbox. After the 2 photos we were scared. After the end. We literaly almost cried. That was .... Not cool. Me and my friends always made fun of this stuff like rape or kidnaping. Now.... We completly stopped after seeing this just wow
ReplyDeleteJust watched that movie on Netflix and got through to the part that you show on your site with the Picture of Amy. I must say i am at disgust that this would be allowed on Netflix where any one can watch it. it was disturbing and disgusting and should be given a NR17 rating not a NR.
ReplyDeleteUh does anyone remember before the last 22 minutes those pictures of the "megan" character?! That alone gave me the chills.
ReplyDelete"Omg im 15. Me and my friend watched this on xbox. After the 2 photos we were scared. After the end. We literaly almost cried. That was .... Not cool. Me and my friends always made fun of this stuff like rape or kidnaping. Now.... We completly stopped after seeing this just wow"
ReplyDeleteWe all make fun of things we shouldn't when were young hun, and we all learn to stop.
It's a really scary movie, even for adults. Trust us, it messed with our heads too.
Just remember to be safe, ok? We need all of our horror fans, young and old, to be safe and happy :)
Chills indeed, Kitchen.
ReplyDelete"Just watched that movie on Netflix and got through to the part that you show on your site with the Picture of Amy. I must say i am at disgust that this would be allowed on Netflix where any one can watch it. it was disturbing and disgusting and should be given a NR17 rating not a NR."
NR is the modern day equivalent of NC-17 for the most part. Not/Unrated means you will most likely see more nudity or violence, beyond what you will find in an R rated movie.
I agree though that Netflix needs to post warnings on NR movies, just to give people a heads up.
I'm 21 and my friends and I have done our fair share of video chatting and similar things of the sort. And you know in the back of your mind that there is alwayd a very real danger. Its so unbelieveabely easy to find a picture online and say that it is your self, and to use the "my web cam isn't working properly/broken"
ReplyDeleteThis scared me so badly. My husband and I watched it. I actually had to rewind to the shot of Megan in the barrel. It its so frightening how real it looks. I screamed the first time it passed.
But my point is, having been there myself, I know all of the stupid things teenage girls can easily get themselves into online. Especially with the highly publicized social networking sites. I personally think that there should be an age limit on sites like that. The 11 year old girl that I have babysat for since she was 5 has one.
I'm glad this is on Netflix. So many people use it. And like my self,I hope that people turn it on not realizing what they are in for. It is a real eye opener. I will be rating it a 5, and reccomending it to friends.
I applaud the Director for this movie.
I watched the movie last night and couldn't get to sleep I was so disturbed by it. I'm glad I went to the internet to find that it might not be a true story. I just kept thinking what those parents must be going through watching that. I also wanted to know if they caught the sicko that did it. I am going to tell my daughter about it and I'm so glad she monitors her daughter's internet.
ReplyDeleteAnon, it was based on 5 or 6 different cases, not just one particular story. Still, you have to imagine that someone was out there for a while getting away with it. I hope they did catch him.
ReplyDeleteWell put, Jessica.
ReplyDeleteAnd for the record, when I saw this for the first time, the club wasn't with me. It was lets say 2am, and quiet, and I said "hey, time to pop this one in.
The barrel scene made me hit pause, and I seriously found myself creeped out. Not many flicks do that to me in that way these days.
I agree completely. My husband and I are both big horror movie fans. And it freaked both of us out. I'm so glad I didn't happen to turn that one on while I was alone.
ReplyDeleteLike you said neither my husband nor my self scare easily, and it frightened me pretty badly when I first saw the barrel scene.
I have to say this is easily the most talked about horror flick of the year.
ReplyDelete37 y/o black man with 3 daugthers...i cried...
ReplyDeleteWe are helping to fight for children like the ones in this movie.
I may not have cried, but it is certainly worthy of some tears, especially to those with daughters. It really is heart wrenching. I can't even imagine.
ReplyDeleteThinking back on it I'm surprised I didn't tear up, because that's some F'd up shit.
On the flip side, do not admit to crying out in the open, you will lose your street cred.
You know I ain't lyin'. :)~
I just saw the movie, it might look too easy from my sight but he showed pretty much of an environment around, the part of the forrest the cellar which i think is not so common,they got him on a camera,voice internet nickname so some logs and even if it would be too late to save the girl the police have to be able to track that basta.d down.... Or why do we got such technology around ...
ReplyDeleteOh... my... gosh... I've seen a lot of horror movies in my day and not many make me think about it an hour after I watched it. But this scared me the living hell out of me. I never thought I would find myself a 24 year old guy on the verge of tears because of how freaked out I was. I about screamed during the pictures and about threw up during the barrel scene. Because I watched this movie, I will be sure that my kids know the danger of chatting with random people online and to not even go there. The thing that really scares me is that this isn't Jason or Freddy Kruger (sp?). This is real. Although the movie may not be real, stuff like that really happens and it makes me sick. It makes me want be a detective and catch all the bastards that do that and send them straight to hell myself.
ReplyDeleteI threw up right after the barrel scene, too. Up to that point, ever since the pics were shown, my stomach had been doing a slow roll. I could not stop thinking about my 16 year old cousin, which is probably why I couldn't stop myself from throwing up. She has around 800 FB friends and only knows about 200 of them in real life. This movie is a serious punch in the gut. I applaud the parents who are bringing their kids into the fray, so to speak, because--at 43--the movie was too brutal for me to finish watching, but I understand the message. It definitely needs to be out there.
ReplyDeleteI just watched Megan is Missing on Netflix and have saved it so that all 3 of my young adult children can watch this. As two of them have very young daughters, young boys are not safe or immune from much the same. May not have been based on one true story,sadly enough it is based on numerous true storys.Pray for our children and watch how we allow them to interact with strangers and conduct themselves.
ReplyDeleteLet me say that we have mad love for the parents coming here and talking about the message of this movie, and how it needs to be shared.
ReplyDeleteThis is absolutely the most talked about horror flick of the year, and deservedly so.
Keep em' safe people!
WOW! This movie left me speechless! My stomach seriously knotted up and my mouth got dry for a lil bit. And to the Anon. commentator that just bashed the movie as lame, if this movie didn't scare you in some way or another, maybe YOU are the one who should be being monitored. The last 22 minutes were just BRUTAL!!
ReplyDeleteI have 2 teenage daughters and normally when it comes to some dramatic crime suspense movie that involves the victimization of some young teen girl, I instinctively say to myself,"what would you do if that was YOUR daughter?", and I start thinking of everything I can do within my power to prevent that from happening. Wether it be thru discussion, or just plain checking up on them to see where they are and who they're with. But in the last 22 minutes of Megan Is Missing I think my brain turned that mechanism off because it knew how freaked out over it I would be.
Alot of people think that I may be a little TOO strict with them, but you know what, I think that as long you explain why you make the decisions you make as a parent to your kids (in a rational discussion, mind you, not a shouting match) they will be a little more receptive to your concerns, and yes, they may not like you at times for putting your foot down, but I would much rather have them at home in a bad mood for a bit then to be the one on parents posting pics of their lost children. My heart goes out to them.
Just finished the film on Netflix. Ironically, I had to Skype my boyfriend for company and comfort afterwards because I'm ice cold and can't stop shaking. The "fetish" pictures and the sexual assault were heartbreaking enough, but the barrel scene...his tone of voice and what he said before the lid was lifted...and the ending... I'm shocked into numbness and yet unspeakably horrified, knowing things like this really do happen all over the world.
ReplyDeleteMy best friend and I just watched this movie and after the rape scene we couldn't take it anymore! We turned it off. She and I are scared out of our pants and we didn't even finish the movie. Which I'm kinda glad we didn't since we read about the ending. We would have thrown up, screamed, cried, all the above.
ReplyDeleteWe were so scared we ran to my college dorm bathroom and ran back.
This movie has the best topic and sends the best message! Everyone needs to watch this, it's graphic and brutal but it needs to be watched.
I promise I'm not laughing at you Anon, but the fact that you skyped your boyfriend after watching this movie is amusing.
ReplyDeleteI don't think I would have skyped my mom after this movie, and I'm a guy :)~
And Becky Ann, you're safe in your dorm. Don't worry. :)
Day after day this movie just keeps ringing peoples bells. Men, women, old and young... Michael Goi, you have struck a nerve.
We love you for that.
I find it funny that many of you are so paranoid about "chatting online with strangers", yet that's exactly what you're doing when you comment on blog posts.
ReplyDeleteIt's rather silly. There's a difference between reasonable cautiousness and hysteria. Megan is Missing shouldn't make you afraid of the internet anymore than Friday the 13th should make you afraid of summer camp.
Elaine, the movie isn't about blog posts. The movie is about young, clueless teenage girls who get themselves into bad situations with predators online.
ReplyDeleteIt does happen.
Do you know how easy it is to chat with a girl online and get them to hang out with you? Scary easy. It's as if they have no fear, or are too clueless to realize that they should.
Young girls these days are highly sexualized, and the internet intensifies that almost endlessly. Browse through Myspace or other sites like it, and you'll find plenty of kids posting creepy shit about themselves that make you wonder where their parents are.
There's a site called My Yearbook that regularly has teen girls boasting staus's of "Horny" and "Naughty"... Do you honestly think that's not dangerous?
It's a playground for pervs. And any parent worth their salt should be concerned about who their kids chat with online.
If they aren't, they shouldn't be parents.
My point is that films such as Megan is Missing add fuel to the fire of technophobia. People should use reasonable caution when interacting with others online, but they shouldn't be terrified of the internet itself, just like someone who just watched Jaws shouldn't give up swimming altogether.
ReplyDeleteFor adults sure, reasonable caution is... reasonable.
ReplyDeleteTeens definitely need more of a reality check when it comes to online dating.
Jaws/The ocean, Psycho/taking a shower, Friday the 13th/Camping... they aren't the same thing at all, and it's a bad comparison.
This danger in this movie was was taken from 5 or 6 (can't remember which) real life cases, in which teens were abducted, assaulted or murdered by strangers they met and trusted online, some of which I'm going to assume lied to make their agenda come to life.
No one's terrified of their computer now, no one is cancelling their internet, but the younger people who watched Megan seem to have been shaken by it, and the parents who have watched it seem to be the same. All it has done is brought a very real issue to the forefront of people's minds.
Google Michael Goi for a minute, and read about why he made this movie. This isn't Hollywood inciting panic to cash in, this is a guy who made a movie because he knows how real all of this can be and the kids in his life had no clue.
I see what you're saying, but I just don't think you're correct in your analysis is all.
The thing is, Michael Goi stated that only two out of the seven cases he researched were about internet predators. Everyone seems to be more interested in the internet angle because it's technology, and technology can be scary. I see people suggesting that the mere act of talking to strangers online is perilous, and that's simply not true.
ReplyDeleteAs horrific as the murder of a child is, the crime depicted in the movie is highly sensationalized. I don't think it's a good idea to use it as a parable of some sort.
Child porn snuff film.. pretty much sums this up. What is the message?? Young teens shouldn't be half-way retarded sluts...
ReplyDeleteMichael Goi also said that the internet is the most important invention of the 20th century, and rightly so, so I'm pretty sure he isn't trying to instill internet panic in anyone.
ReplyDeleteThe bottom line is this; the internet is an amazing place. It's also a scary place, full of scary people that do horrible things to other people.
People commit suicide because of online taunting and bullying. People meet other people from online and get assaulted, robbed, raped and murdered. Some of them are kids. It's not the norm, but it exists, and this is a narrative about that small part that exists.
I live in Michigan and just recently we've seen a guy get murdered after meeting someone on Craigslist, over like $30 dollars. It happens. Not regularly, but often enough for people to be cautious, not in talking online, but meeting people they talk to online. Some go missing. Some come home. Some are never seen again. Some are found dead.
Forget murder, abduction, rape or assault. Pretend that never happens due to the internet.It does, but just pretend. Far more staggering are the number of young girls engaging in sexual acts and discussions with absolute strangers, while their parents have no clue. Chats, pictures, videos... it's in abundance online.
Talking online with strangers can be perilous. It doesn't have to be, and most of the time it isn't, but sometimes it is.
As alarmist as you think this movie is with its message, you're equally as alarmist with your "I see people suggesting that the mere act of talking to strangers online is perilous, and that's simply not true."
Tell that to the parents of the kids who have been victimized. Tell them that there's not enough of them to warrant a look at the problem. Tell them it's all sensationalized.
And remember, message or not, it is just a movie too.
my wife and i watched this last night and we didn't sleep at all afterwards, those pics? chilling. christ. i seriously didn't know if i was ognna make it through the last 22 minutes of the film. hard watch man. VERY hard watch, but EFFECTIVE. i work for an adolescent drug rehab and my boss recommended this to me to see what i thought about doing a viewing with our teens, my vote was yes, definately.
ReplyDeleteIncredible film. It shows how vulnerable teens can be and how easily they are manipulated. Watching Megan and Amy talking with Josh from his point of view was scary. He was in control the whole time and he knew exactly how to play them.
ReplyDeleteAt times the film seemed childish and unbelievable and I think this was deliberate, as you almost became bored with it and then out of nowhere there are those pictures of Megan on the fetish website. The first one caught me off guard and nearly made me vomit and I had to cover my eyes until the second one was gone so I didn't see it.
It got my attention but as Amy went about making her video diaries, I forgot about the picture and started to lose interest again as I couldn't believe that she would be allowed to wander around as freely as she was. When it got to the part where they found the video camera in the trash bin I was thinking "oh ffs, this is a rip off of Blair Witch".
Again, I think that was for effect as once the 22 minutes at the end kicked in, it was in such contrast to the rest of the film, it had me in shock. I went from rolling my eyes in exasperation to feeling sick with dread. I got as far as when he took the lid off the barrel and had to stop it. I couldn't watch anymore. The rape scene was bad enough.
I have a pretty high tolerance for films and have been largely desensitised by watching Hostel, all seven Saws etc but this has really got to me. From seeing everything from Amy's point of view, it all got too real down in the cellar. It wasn't like when you read about someone being abducted and you think "that's terrible, terrible things will happen", you could feel the terrible things as they were happening.
I don't know if that makes sense and sorry for rambling but I have just finished watching this (well didn't quite finish it lol) and it's left me with a lot of mixed feelings.
Freaked out in Ireland
I watched this movie last night and it made me sick to my stomach.I was mentally screwed up for a couple of hours.We all know shit like this happens everyday so many cases we dont hear about.This is what happens to our missing children.
ReplyDeleteI do think the acting wasnt its best there were some iffy parts but overall it was realistic in the sense that there are so many young girls who are sexually active and ignorant to the dangers of the internet,etc.Like Megan alot of girls who are sexually abused turn out to be what some may call a whore.I was disgusted by the party scenes..I was extremely disgusted by the story of her being forced to do oral at ten yrs old but sadly this happens all the time.I think it was good directing to have her she was brag about it..because i have had friends who were abused at a young age and dont even acknowledge that they were taken advantage of.
Megans so called friends made me sick..i was disgusted by just about everythin seeing Amy eat like a dog for her teddy bear,watching her get excited becuase she thought she was going home,watching her beg to get thrown in the barrel and buried alive...(ugh)!!
also i love how the media portrayed megans dissapearance and how she got more attention than amy when amy was the real angel,not saying megan wasnt because she had her reasons to be the way she was and she was only a child..but its crazy how society works and how negative gets you recognized.its crazy how the straight a students are the ones sniffing and having sex.
Anyway bottom line is the movie made a HUGE IMPACT on me..,horror movies never scare me!!horrow movies are wack to me but this was beyond a horror.
ANy parent who objects to showing this to their kids must be absolutely stupid!!and ignorant to the fact that this shit is soooooooooooooo REAl and you would be doing them a favor if you show them.Im 22 years old and I never dated online or did scandolous shit in highshcool but I know for a fact if I was 14 i might have been screwed for a few days but this is the type of shit that helps alot.Its like when u put your kids on punishment so they would stop doing something.This movie will have the same effect probably better!!because kids dont always learn from punishment,and alot of parents now a days let their kids run free!and spend alot of time hiding reality from them..Dont! you are hurting them..they may be happy now and you are happy to see them happy but when u find out your daughter is sucking dick or your son is sucking dick lol and you thought they were angels dont be surprised and you will only have urself to blame.monitor and teach your children.you dont want some sick perve raping and torturing your child while they are waiting for their parents to save them.SAVE THEM NOW!!!!
Rambling and mixed feelings means the movie got to you, and that was it's job. Don't apologize for that. We ramble ALL THE TIME :)~
ReplyDeleteAnd Lovely, you are not alone in your feelings. This movie seems to have stirred up emotions, good or bad, in everyone who has seen it.
So I'm 15 year old kid and friend recommends this movie to me, so i go on Netflix and watch it.... that last 30 mins or so scared my mind. This is a great movie, with a powerful message. I could handle the kidnapping, and other obscene acts. But as soon as the barrel top came of, i could feel my soul break... It's been 3 days and i can't sleep till. And to answer the ongoing question: Yes, the movie was staged including the fetish pictures and video documentaries, but the last 30 mins in based on a kidnap/murder case; and the first hour or so is based on 5 or 6 different cases. A must see for teens and adults. (A movie buddy is highly recommended)
ReplyDeleteThis movie was incredible. It was so messed up, but extremely powerful. I walked away at one point, but i came back and i'm glad i did. it was so impacting and i want to show it to my 13 year old sister but she'd be scarred for life. great movie.
ReplyDeleteOk I will tell you this My mum just showed me this I am about there age and HOLY CRAP I love horror and my mum don't mind what i watch only A 1 movie she said no two because it was to rude i am fine with that i uselly like gory stuff not rude stuff and when i seen this movie it was not rude it messes with your mind now I turn every corner with my mums pocket knife I say MAKE MY AGE KIDS Watch it because you parents cover stuff like this up there going to grow up clueless and in more danger because there use to the love and care but when they get into life my mum tells me this there is a big differences so i say watch it.
ReplyDeleteso sad....especially that it's based on a true story. Really Good Movie tho. Realistic, disturbing and mentally draining.
ReplyDeleteFirst thing I want to say is that as horrifying as MIM is, IT IS ABOUT TIME A MOVIE LIKE THIS WAS MADE!!! THANK YOU MICHAEL GOI!!! I am a mother of 3 boys, ranging from 9-15, and you can bet your @$$ that all 3 of them will be watching this today after school! I just finished watching it. It doesn't matter if some parts seem real or not, if it "wakes people up"! You see, most people think ONLY teenage girls are the target, watch a few human trafficking movies, adult women and young boys need to be just as careful! I now live in a small town, literally if someone sees your kid at the park, it is not surprising that you get a fb message, call, or text saying, hey I saw your son at the park, you know he is there? However, where I grew up was a semi big city. I was 19 when this happened, and it is true to fact that you wonder "what happened to my child" when something like this happens. So it was an hour an a half after the girl I worked with should have shown up to relieve me. Finally she comes through the door! My first though, why is she dressed like that (t-shirt and shorts), she is going to get fired! She then hands me a stack of papers, "will you please put these up around the mall on your break?" I look down at them, her 8 yr old sister went missing earlier that day! Now this girl NEVER went outside of the area she was allowed due to gangs, shootings, drugs, that type of stuff, yet her bike was found by the river. She'd have had to cross the tracks (something she wouldn't do), then go down a big hill to get there. Did I mention her shoes and shorts were with her bike? The two girls she was with (ages 8 & 10) were to terrified to tell ANYONE what had happened. First thought the police had, she went swimming, which she wouldn't do even with family cause she didn't know how to swim! 3 days later the young of the 2 she was with said, "If we say anything, he will come get us too..." They NEVER got anything more than that from either of those girls! Two days after that, this is an 8 yr old girl now missing for 5 days!" Two fishermen in a boat, found her about 8 miles down the river wearing only a bloody torn t-shirt. She had started to swell from the water, pd figured 12-24 hrs is how long her body was there. Now, to clarify, it would have been IMPOSSIBLE for her to float, swim, whatever from where her bike was to where she was found. I know this for a fact from tubing, there were 4 spots where you have to walk across due to water hardly going over the rocks! There was evidence of rape, though water washed DNA away, last I knew, the "man" was never identified let alone caught! Now, if this can happen to an 8 yr old without the internet, just imagine how much more likely it can happen now! Our boys have cells where we can track their GPS and believe me I do! So, as many people will think it is to graphic for young children, they need to stop and think, does their age matter if they are abducted? My boys WILL watch this, and to be honest, I hope it gives them nightmares! I might sound horrible, but if it gives them nightmares, I KNOW they will think twice when it comes to encounters with strangers!!!
ReplyDeleteGood point Chris... watch this one with a movie buddy lol
ReplyDeleteSmall town Anon- That's a crazy story, and as terrifying as any movie. Stories like that are as heartbreaking as it gets.
And adult women and young boys do need to be careful too, that's a great point to bring up.
This movie is absolutely striking a nerve with everyone who sees it.
14 year old girls are dumb! I'm so freaking tired of hearing this. Seriously, girls stop acting like hoes, you are too young. You are attracting the wrong attention. Jesus! When will men be held equally responsible when it comes to sex. Boys, having a penis is not an excuse to objectify women!!! And boys should be brought up to know this. But it always comes down to modifying a woman's behavior. ALWAYS!
ReplyDeleteThe WORST movie ever. VERY boring!
ReplyDeleteThere is nothing I can add that hasn't already been said except for this: I think a big part of the problem is the reactions of others. Even people on here are saying things like "those are some dumb, slutty, bitches." Someone so young should not be talked about like that. They are that way for a reason. Like mentioned in the blog, the girl who had the questionable behavior was the popular one. If the lifestyle wasn't so highly favored by society, you bet your sweet booty they wouldn't be acting that way. I think I saw more insults about the kidnapped child who was never taught better (to say the least. Believe it or not, molestation has negative repercussions on a child's self image.) than for the predator. The message of the movie is extremely important, but I feel a lot of people aren't fully getting it. As a society, we've conditioned young girls to believe that behavior is right by giving praise and attention to the behavior in question. Children can't know better until their taught better--it doesn't just magically happen one day. It's not about stupid little girls; it's about a stupid society and oblivious parents. But that's just my opinion. Also, no offense to anyone here: if you are learning yourself or teaching your kids, you're not part of the problem.
ReplyDeleteOkay first question I have is is the last 22 minutes or so of the film actual real footage?? I've heard yes and no from different people and I would really like to know the answer to that. Also this is an amazing yet brutal look at the hard truth that a lot of teenagers face when they go online and chat with strangers. I'm 20 years old and I actually met my boyfriend online and we have been together for 6 months and very happy, getting ready to move into our own place soon. Anyway all I can say is I'm glad that I met him before I watched this because after watching this I will never talk to a stranger online ever again. Last thing is this, I don't think that schools should personally show this, I do however think that they should let parents and teenagers know and be aware of this movie and tell them that they should sit with their kids and watch this, this movie isn't just for teenagers. I'd say it's for a variety of ages and up depending on the child's maturity level, some teenagers might not respect a movie like this like others will. So personally I think parents should sit down with their kids, let them know the details before hand and watch it with them together. In a couple weeks I'm actually going to watch it with my mom, because she wants to see it and I don't think it's a movie anybody should watch alone.
ReplyDeleteAnon- The last 22 minutes of this movie are not real. Everything onscreen is fiction, although some aspects might be based off of real cases. Congrats on your internet found love, it's not all bad and you are proof.
ReplyDeleteKhara- There's always going to be people who don't get it. At least the rest do.
Anon #2- If you think this was the worst movie ever, you haven't seen many movies.
Anon #3- All 14 year olds are dumb to a point, some more than others, but that's why they have parents. Unfortunately, a lot of young girls crave attention and are products of how they've been raised and what they've endured as children. No one is born a slut; the real issue is how some girls got to the point in their lives where they can be called such, and
what's going on with them to make them think it's all right or healthy.
I'm going to guess that pain is the culprit. Some people self medicate with drugs and alcohol, or even violence. A lot of girls tend to do the same thing with sex, as it's the one area of their lives where they feel empowered or in control.
The amount of slut-shaming and victim blaming in here is disgusting and the parents who are gleefully admitting they forced their children to watch this film are utterly revolting human beings. While people (ALL people, not just girls/women) need to know how to protect themselves, there is a greater need to stop the creation of monsters who go out and harm others. Instead of traumatizing your daughters and making them afraid of their own shadow, you should empower them. You should also talk to your sons and teach them not to treat women like trash.
ReplyDelete"You should also talk to your sons and teach them not to treat women like trash."
ReplyDeleteDo you really think every parent on this planet is capable of raising normal, well adjusted kids with healthy psyche's and behavior patterns? Some parents suck. The worst parents tend to damage their children beyond repair, and thus they turn out to be monsters.
That's not even counting those born with chemical imbalances.
"Instead of traumatizing your daughters and making them afraid of their own shadow, you should empower them."
Empowerment is amazing. Unfortunately as I said above, not all parents even know what that word is, let alone have the understanding how to instill that in their Daughters. Hell, some parents don't even care.
A promiscuous girl isn't the way she is because she wasn't empowered. Figure out how to stop abuse and neglect, and that curb the scary behavior that empowerment should.
"While people (ALL people, not just girls/women) need to know how to protect themselves, there is a greater need to stop the creation of monsters who go out and harm others."
There's a greater need to stop parents who shouldn't be having kids, from doing so. No kid is born a serial killer. The ones who grow up to do horrible things to other people, usually had horrible things done to them.
Figure out a way to stop that.
*And this is the true beauty of a movie like MIM; it's getting people to talk, debate, even passionately disagree. If nothing else, that's a step towards at least recognizing the issues that threaten our kids (and we adults too.)
Nothing is going to teach a parent to love their kids, hug them, nurture them the way the need to be nurtured. Some parents do this and raise children to be great kids. Some parents fail at this, and raise shitty human beings.
When people don't fit into society's mold, they tend to create their own space to exist and thrive. Their own normalcy.
Some young girls crave the wrong type of attention, and act out thusly.
Some young boys treat those young girls like objects.
Some people, grow up to hate and with a need to harm or kill.
Solve these issues and make them go sway, and you'll be the first to do so in human history.
I honestly wish this movie came out years ago, this is a secret I have held for a long time and need to share more after this, when I was 14 I was handling my teenage years very poorly. So I met this guy "cody" in a chat room. I was head over heels in "love". He became agressive and cruel demanding to meet me, refusing to show me picture because he was "shy". I had finally planned to meet him at a park but after 3 hours of waiting I left. A week later several detectives where at my door, they obtained a warrant and found me on his phone records, chat room logs, and emails. He was wanted for murder. I cried so hard because, that could have been me. And the remorse that someone did infact die. PLEASE protect your kids. I am married to a wonderful man now and we plan and being strict about the internet with our kids. I wish someone was with me.
ReplyDeleteWell damn, Jenny, your story is just like Megan, except it had a happy ending.
ReplyDeleteIt's good to see a happy ending for a change :)
Thanks :]
ReplyDeleteHonestly if you save just one person which I have seen you have, its done its job. I lived for a long, long time with survivors remorse. Mainly because it was the sick feeling of "well at least I'm alive" and I have realized there is a reason I am still alive and breathing. To make sure people know that the real fear is not obvious. It is charming, manipulative and appealing only at first.
So I was looking through Netflix looking for a good creepy movie (trying to get into the Halloween spirit) and found this. I like to think I have a good stomach and a high tolerance for horror movies, but after that first picture I thought I was going to puke, and that's no exaggeration. And no lie, twenty minutes after I hurriedly clicked the red x button multiple times, I'm still crying over the fact that any human being, much less a child, went through this. Even if it hadn't been based off of a real case, this movie effectively would have rocked me to the core. Still, maybe someone can give me a brief synopsis of what happened in the last 22 minutes? I'm genuinely curious, I just don't think I can watch it. Thanks :)
ReplyDeleteThe last 22 minutes...it scarred me. I'm so...I don't even know.
ReplyDeleteKids really do need to watch this, and also parents REALLY need to know who their kids are talking to. It's all too easy to tell someone lies overthe internet and most kids - and adults - tend to be complaicent and too trusting about their lives. Maybe I'm overly distrustful, but you can't be too careful with personal safety. I think anonymous (sorry)needs a reality check.
ReplyDeleteIn addition, Ijust finished watching this movie, and still feel nausiated and dirty.
ReplyDeleteManx, Sasha, welcome to the "Megan Warped my fragile little mind club" LOL
ReplyDeleteMost movies I can handle, but this one is a little too real, LOL. It can happen so easily.
ReplyDeleteOk. I'm just a gamer nerd and to be honest I found this movie looking at movies in the like POV catagory of a website like Blair Witch and Paranormal Activity.
ReplyDeleteThis movie was super demented and yeah I'm pretty sure (sadly) that there are so seriously crazy people out there. This movie was gut wrenching and to be honest I do view that the new genereation is pretty stupid.
I'm only 18 and when I was 17 I dated a 14 year old. No we didn't do anything and also it was a normal relationship not like this fake crazy murderer guy. We didn't do anything but she had sex 4 times in middle school before we got together. Come on, 20 years ago that stuff only happened when you were like a Junior in High or in college. What is happening to the youth. I'm not much older but before I ended high school trust me you could see the difference between us seniors and the freshman coming into High. MY view is my genreation is the Tech Gen while the next one unfortunatly could be Man Whores and Hos.
I saw this movie and sort of agreed on the way these kids were portaryed.
Now about the movie parents you might want to make your kids that are entering high school or maybe in there final year of Middle school watch this. It would balance out all the shows that they show now on MTV. The youth needs to learn that one thats not a good lifestyle and also it will become trouble.
This is my view as an 18 year old. I hope it seems reasonable to you older folks and not just some trash posted on the internet.
Nope, you opinion counts Wolf, and it's not trash.
ReplyDeleteI really like your point about MTV; the crap on that channel is far more damaging than letting your kids watch this movie.
Then again, it's all a part of the Dumbing Down of America. Hollywood shovels the shit, we as a culture eat it all up.
Not me, but them.
The movie really got to me. It is so true about young girl teenagers (even boys) talking to older men (or women) without knowing how old these men/women are and how easily they can fall into a trap.
ReplyDeleteWhat makes me more disturbed about this is the fact that older men/women could do this to a very young child. Do they ever think about what they would have done if it were THEIR child and their child was the one to be abducted, raped, and killed? Of course not, they're sick in the head. I recommended my friends to watch this.
About three years ago a family member of mine had been talking to an online predator without even knowing he was an older men. For me, he was young since he was only 21 but my family member was only a 15 year old girl. Luckily I got the guys address and number and figured out his age. I immediately called 911 and it just so happens to find out that my cousin wasn't the first target. He had molested other young girls. Disgusting.
Ok little ladies, start paying attention to the fucking internet and realize that not all boys online say the truth about who the hell they really are. Enjoy your single young life and maybe when you become an adult, then your ass can make your own decisions. As for parents, watch your kids more often. Most of the time, it is because of you guys not watching over your kids that they were put into the position that they are or were in.
Well said, Elora. Well said.
ReplyDeleteI haven't read all the comments here, so I apologize in advance is I repeat something. This movie, while a decent piece of work, was not at all the shock inducing creep out it was portrayed to be. There are so many films out there that if you are looking for that effect do a much better job. I appreciate the subject matter and the filmmakers attempt to bring to light a dangerous topic. I am the father of two daughters myself and I get that.
ReplyDeleteBut having said that, the last 22 minutes of this film are tame in comparison to many other films that also attempt to portray a message, and many others that just want to shock. I looked over your list of films you've reviewed. I'd suggest a film like Jack Ketchum's A Girl Next Door, and then re-visit this film. Or even Jack Kethcum's The Woman. Or even Scrapbook.
If simply making you feel dirty on the inside is the goal, there is a litany of films out there that do it much better and without the boring first 60 minutes or so, such as the August Underground Trilogy, Aftermath:Genesis, A Serbian Film, or Schramm off the top of my head.
I applaud you having this blog. I've often considered doing something like this myself as a way to share my opinion on the 500+ horror films I've seen in my adult life. Cheers!
I believe this story is a mixture of seven different stories. I don't look at this film as a failure. I look at this film as a wake up call for teenage girls and boys for that matter. Who cares about the acting. It was believable enough for me to show my 13 year old daughter and the dangers that are out there. I look back during my teenage years (i am 39 now)and i thank god that he gave me a mother who taught me about the perverse society we live in. I was the teenage rodeo queen in my town. I had it all. But that didn't stop me from being a teenager who was ill-equipped and immature to handle life. I tried to run away with a man who i had just met on the river. Thank god my mom contacted my friends to pin point my last known whereabouts and was able to stop the RV that i was in surrounded by police officer's. I was on my way to California. I probably would not be here right now posting this had my mother not intervened. I applaud this film and its shock value to wake up teens and open the eyes of parents. The only words i can express in the making of this film is THANK YOU.
ReplyDeleteI'm a child of the 80's,so I didn't have to try and avoid Internet prededures. But that didn't stop the perverts driving around taking pictures of teenage girls. This happened to me. Luckily I also had a mother who taught me that you can't always trust adults. She told me to always trust that inner feeling. If something doesn't feel right, that is usually the right feeling and to listen to it and go. I just wish more parents would teach their children to trust their insticts. If something doesn't feel right; that feeling is usually the right one.
ReplyDeleteOn a boring Sunday evening, I was searching for a movie on Netflix. Decided on this one, and WOW I had no idea what I was in for. While it was a good movie with a really powerful message... I am still very disturbed by the scenes. Especially the fetish pics, rape scene, and barrel. It angers me to no extent that there are pieces of shit out there who get off to preying on children. Every adolescent should watch this movie. I think they would learn a great deal on what to to and what NOT to do when it comes to strangers and the internet. The only thing I would have liked to see during the end was the sorry low life piece of shit get caught by someone and get his brains blown out. (I know the movie was fictional, but it somewhat might help calm the disgust in my gut as a result of the movie).
ReplyDeleteI'm a child of the 80's too, Manx. I clearly remember a guy in a car creeping up on me. Luckily I ran and he sped off. Who knows what could have happened otherwise. Glad you avoided trouble too :)
ReplyDelete"Disgust in my gut" is a perfect way to describe the feeling this movie gives off Andrea. I agree with you; kill every last one of those fuckers. They can't be rehabbed. They should be put down like dogs.
so this movie was on netflix and i honestly expected like a lifetime sort of movie?? cuz all the description said was a movie about two 14 year old girls that go missing two weeks apart. . . They need to update theyre description because this is by far the single most disturbing movie i have ever seen in my life. and im one who has for sure seen some horrific things. been watching scary movies since i was old enough to decide for myself. (around 7 or so??) and im into weird shit. but this movie takes it to another level. i have not had a satisfying sleep since (about a month or so ago) its a movie that grabs you by the throat and doesnt let go till the credits. i have never been afraid of any movie ever. the fact that this sick shit happens is one of the factors that makes it so disturbing. im 18 and wanna delete my facebook and never get on a computer or go anywhere alone again. the picture they show of what happens to megan were enough to make me tear up. and what happens to amy made me sob. the sad thing is, amy wasnt even at fault. i mean what happened to mgan wasnt exactly her fault either, no one deserves that, but she shouldnt have been stupid on the internet. but amy just got sucked in because "josh" saw her with megan one day. its horrendous and disturbing and one of the saddest stories. dont take watching this movie lightly. it really gets to you.
ReplyDeleteThank you Michael. I have twin girls 15 yrs old. One of the gave me and her self a world of trouble. She finally realized that it was not cool or easy to do drugs, alcohol, running away and atmost died 3 times. She is doing great now but I still can see how stubborn she is and dont like to listen to any advice. She is the type of teenager that only a movie like this finally reach her and open her eyes. I love her and tell her every day she is loved, forgiven and strong individual for helping her self to change for the best, This movie has make her realized of the ugly reality anyone of us could face. Yes both of them are tramatized but after the trauma passes on.... They will be alot wiser and aware of the people around them and the places the may go. Im so thankfull to you, for reaching out to those difficults teenagers. God bless you
ReplyDeleteDon't delete your Facebook or stay at home and be afraid to go out, Anon. Just be smart and make good decisions. There's far more good than bad out there, so just keep your wits about you, but don't stop living :)
ReplyDeleteOther Anon- for the record, my name isn't Michael. M'hael means leader in one of my favorite book series, and it's an old email name that just kinda stuck. I'm a geek at heart :)~
God bless you too. All I did was write a review, but I'm glad it's drawn the attention of so many people to this movie. I'm also glad your girls are safe and have gotten past their wild times unharmed. For things like that, I am thankful for this movie, as you are :)
if you want to teach yr kids a lesson just trun on the news and tell them there are some sick ppl in the world. that dosnt mean they have to watch a movie like this.it was a good movie though
ReplyDeleteyup, watching horror films is pretty much my hobby so I approached this film with a rather smug attitude because it seemed like just another b grade schlock 'videocam' horror film. I seriously have not been disturbed as much by any film since Silence of the Lambs but this one did it for me...the use of unknown actresses made it all the more realistic and I seriously walked away thinking 'holy crap, if there is a film parents should force their teenagers to watch, THIS IS IT.'
ReplyDeleteSolid review, btw!
Yah this one was even too much for me and I watch some brutal stuff. The fact that it's about little girls makes it terribly hard to watch.
ReplyDeleteAs Kurt said, there isn't anything in this film which isn't done much better elsewhere. My personal suggestions follow. Teenage sex and drug use? Thirteen. Found footage? Cannibal Holocaust. Rape? Irreversible.
ReplyDeleteThe most shocking aspect of Megan is Missing is the reaction, which consistently features two qualities, 1) emphatic statements about the reality of teen life, and 2) a claim that this movie has an educational ethic or utility.
1) I'm not convinced that teenagers go party in furniture and light-less houses or that $10 dollars can buy you admission to the drug and blowjob buffet there. Nor do I think the film is any kind of evidence that such lifestyles exist. I realize by saying this I've triggered a train of thought in the skeptic which assumes a bit of naivety on my part, as if I don't know how things really are. If you find your own thinking is on the same path then you are aware of that the default rule for children is to always assume the worst. Trust is a mistake. And it is that kind of emotional reaction that Goi is satirizing in this film. Scene after scene is over-the-top: the "web" conversation about being molested at camp and swallowing semen, the flashlight rave, the news show reenactment). You literally could not make those scenes more over the top, a sign that Goi gave it is best effort to make it clear they are not serving to enhance the drama. They are to target the film at the well-meaning parental obsession with predators.
Stated another way, if you were setting out to make a movie which satirized this perverted “concern” parents indulge in, might it look a lot like Megan is Missing? Terrible teens engaging in the premarital sex you don't want them to have at parties with corrupting drugs, all hidden from parents in a secret life--enabled by technology they don't understand or utilize—which ends tragically in sexual predation and no closure or justice for the parents.
2) Since the film is so clearly about parents and not teens, I argue it's not a particularly effective tool for educating them about decisions they will have to make. If anything, giving this to a teens will offend them, because you have such a low opinion of them. Moreover, there is a huge gap between education and fear responses. The only reason you might wish to instill a fear response, along with the anxiety and limitations to a happy and health life they entail, is because you yourself have been raised to equate fear with some sort of education. This area of discussion is outside the film, but I feel like it's a worthwhile reminder that fear is not wisdom, and if you approach your teen without knowing the difference you're as likely to do harm as help.
First of all sorry for my poor English. With that being said, this movie reminds me of something that happened to me when I was around 5-6 yo or so.
ReplyDeleteOne morning, my mom had to take me to school or something, but I really didn't want to go.(At that time of my life I was really rebellious.) So at last my mom decided to go ahead of me thinking that I would eventually give up and follow her. When she crossed the street, I noticed a man on the other side of the street, standing between some cars, watching me.
My instincts told me that crossing the street all by myself would be a big mistake. Like he was just waiting for me to get closer and ready to kidnap me. So I yelled for my mom, who was far ahead, to come back for me so we could walk together.
Even though my mom turned around to come get me, he didn't move nor did he stop staring at me. He just kept standing there. Such a creeper!
When my mom and I crossed the street together, I took a look in his direction and he was suddenly gone. SO WEIRD.
I didn't tell my mom till later for some reason. I think it's cuz I was too scared of the whole situation and how it might have turned out if I did tell her.
The worst thing is that maybe a year later, a girl from my school was murdered with an axe by some old man. However, I don't know if it is the same guy.
Im 20 today and I still remember it. Even though nothing happened to me, I still felt like it was a close call.
Your English is fine, Anon. You are more articulate than some Americans are with English, so don't worry :)
ReplyDeleteWe're glad you escaped your creeper!
This movie keeps ruffling peoples feathers. We love it.
Ok....I don't think I can even watch this movie. I'm just a horror fanatic. After an hour reading reviews out of sheer curiosity I would feel flat out morbid. I mean I get the idea but Im not sure if I want the picture
ReplyDeleteLove the site though!
You're a horror fan, Anon, so Man/Woman up and watch it! :)~
ReplyDeleteIt is flat out morbid, and we won't make fun of anyone who won't watch it, or is disturbed after having watched it.
No shame in not wanting the picture.
And thanks for the love. :)
god i wish this was fb.i would sooo like some of these comments(:any who i didn't get to finish the movie because of certain cercomstances..buuut my friends who have already watched it told me how it end's.four letter's.O.M.F.G!D:pour megan.she honestly didn't deserve what she got.niether did that other girl.no one does.no matter how big of a whore she is.you gotta do what you gotta do right?i spend hours online talking to new people.(i know,not smart)buuut i learn from my mistakes.i don't talk to "stranger's" that much anymore...i take percosions.when the conversations ge a little to intense it's time for the block button(:and yes,maybe it is a good idea to show this movie at high schools.heck maybee 8th grade.but yeah thumbs up for MAGAN IS MISSING(:learned alot(:
ReplyDeleteI'm so stunned by this film I had to Google to find out more about it. I'm tired of reading these posts to find answers so all I will say is the film delivers a whopping slap in the face to us with flesh and blood of our own. Our kids are innocent yes, but we have to give em space to grow. After watching this film I'm awake and determined not to "assume" all is rosey. I will be alert and pay more attention when their off out of the house to meet friends.
ReplyDeleteGood pints, Mama's. You shouldn't be afraid of chatting with "strangers" as if you're going to die because they're all creepy, but some of them are, and caution is always good.
ReplyDeleteHm. Megan is Missing. Im an 18 year old Male, and at the age of 13-14 (been awhile, cant remember which one it was) I met the most beautiful girl ever online. She was from Kentucky, im from Texas (no, no accent here and no cowboy boots. im a city boy. ) and we talked and talked and i really liked the girl. and she liked me. but neither of us knew if we were telling the truth about our ages and everything, so, taking it slow, we eventually sent pictures at first. then we would talk with a mic if we felt we should, and after that, we got on webcam and relieved, it was the person in the picture, and we even saw each others moms walk by a few times, so we knew we were the right age lol. couple years later, we're still talking and we're together in a relationship now and we plan on moving in together since we've met each others parents, things went great (her mom just loves me) and i plan on asking her to marry me when we reach about..21-22 or so. but back then even that young, i was not stupid. I watched my ass when i was online, lol. when we were 12, i was with a friend, and she was typing to some guy online who, over a mic sounded like he was 40, then he started asking to meet her " fuck that! " i unplugged her ethernet cable and she lost her internet, cutting off the random chat lol. she, to this day, has thanked me for doing that, even though at the time she punched me and called me a jerk, because she realized if she met him, it'd be really bad. and she wishes me luck with the hotty from kentucky haha. but man, after watching this, im pretty sure im gonna have some restrictions on the PC when we've got some kids. we wont be the evil strict parents kids complain about at school. we're pretty laid back at times, but not about anything serious like this. After watching this, ive been trying to get all my friends to watch it, and after they do, they hate me for awhile and then thank me forever lol. So, all in all, pretty good movie on its message. Sure glad I watched it.
ReplyDeleteThat's awesome, Coach. Anything you can do to your friends that makes the hate you, and then love you, is the best. Especially when it comes to scaring the hell out of them LOL
ReplyDeleteGood luck with your girl and eventual kids too. You have the right attitude about keeping them safe, so all will be well.
i'm 14 and after watching this movie, I deactivated my fb, tumblr, twitter, etc. people in high school should be able to view movies such as this one because there are many girls out there my age who are just like Megan. this movie had me in tears, but it makes you so much more aware of all the sick people in the world. everybody is saying that the last 22 minutes at the end of the movie are brutal, and I admit, they absolutely were. but imagine being the victim to rape and torture such as those two girls. there are so many people getting brutally raped and tortured as we speak. this movie teaches you a lot.
ReplyDeleteAnon, you can have a FB or Twitter if you like, just make it private for your friends and family. People you know.
ReplyDeleteIt's good that the movie affected you, but you don't have to change everything about your life because of its message, just be smart :)
i am 13 teen and that scared the shit out me and why are they in high school when 13 14 i am middle school
ReplyDeleteWell, Rosekiller, way back int he day I was a 13 year old freshman. I have a b-day that's late in the year, so it is possible.
ReplyDeleteand it scared us too, and we're way older than 13 :)
okay well id just like to say that im am 13 i have a facebook and skype and all that stuff. i used to have 627 friends on facebook and now i have like 300. that is because i deleted every single person that i dont know. and on skype i used to have 112 friends and now i have 34. i just watched this movie and it scared the absolute SHIT out of me. it almost made me want to cry because i felt to frigin bad for those poor messed up girls and thier familys. this movie had so much impact on me. it made me have a whole new outlook on the internet and how to be safe on it.
ReplyDeleteyou can tell that this movie took time to make and whoever made it devoted his frigin life to research this stuff. this movie is very accurate about teenage girls. slutty bitches are popular and unfortunatly virgin sweetie-pie-girly-girls arent. this is most definetly a true mother frigin fact. im going to share this movie with teaches, fellow students, and maybe even some of thier parents, because i am very worried about them now. and btw the review was very accurate too.
and to all you stupid haters out there who think this isnt a good or powerful movie, your stupid and wrong. i think this is most definetly one of the most greatest movies ever made. and it has a very important,powerful, and impacting message.
I think everyone just got told by a 13 year old. Ha!
ReplyDeleteAnon, thanks for giving us a young person's perspective. We agree that a lot of care and research went into this movie, and i is fairly realistic.
Stay safe :)
i saw the movie and what a sad and shocking movie.
ReplyDeletei have kids to and i think they should let schools watch this movie and to warn them that this film is know joke
I'm so glad you put in that disclaimer at the beginning of your blog review. We would have almost certainty labelled you a 'fag' if we suspected for a second you were analysing the plot-line from the perspective of the teenagers in it and their parents. Good work bro.
ReplyDeleteThanks Oly, I'm glad that disclaimer came in handy.
ReplyDeleteWow this movie at first scared me a lot, then I watched it a second time and I conqured my fear from the photo's of Megan and when you see her dead in the bin. There were parts that really pissed me off like how it was all Lexie's fault for showing Megan "Josh" and blames Amy for her disappearance, how the newscaster said that Amy is 15 when she is actually 14, and how people are assuming that they are in high school when they are still in MIDDLE SCHOOL since Amy said "I'm looking for prom dresses even though it's 4 YEARS AWAY" even if she was in high school as a freshman you don't have prom in college. I was in fact disappointed in the fact that they never revealed what happened after the police found Amy's camera. Did they find "Josh" or did he escaped, did they tell the parents that both Amy and Megan are dead or not to tell them at all and still called them missing, and who exactly is "Josh" and how many more victims did he have since they weren't the only ones. Don't get me wrong I love this movie for scaring me straight since I wish there was a movie that was made a long time ago that I could have watched to prevented me from what I've done. Also people who are calling Megan a whore just stop, she was never really a whore to begin with. She was raped by her stepdad at 9 for 2 years and couldn't even go to her mom for support since she loved him over her own daughter, was forced to give a bj to some guy at camp, and sucked that guy from the party to let Amy in because she was thinking about her more than herself. Megan was a good friend to Amy and would have done anything for her. I cried when I saw there talk during the credits on how they wanted to better there lives when in the end they couldn't...that's the one thing that made me think why do people do these thing and think that this is normal to them. It's obvious that that "Josh" guy had something done to him when he was a kid or something to drive him to become a pedophile/killer. I know you think this is a stupid question but how did Megan died? Did she die from the torture device on her or was it from something else, I'm just trying to understand that concept. Hey M'hael if you're reading this all can you give me a reply to all of my questions and add statements to my comments. Thanks
ReplyDeleteChibi, I will try to answer your questions, since it's Valentine's Day and it's sweet of me to do lol
ReplyDelete"There were parts that really pissed me off like how it was all Lexie's fault for showing Megan "Josh" and blames Amy for her disappearance"
-She was either stupid or putting the blame on Amy to avoid responsibility. Kids are like that.
"How the newscaster said that Amy is 15 when she is actually 14"
-The movie had some flaws, this could have been an editing issue.
"and how people are assuming that they are in high school when they are still in MIDDLE SCHOOL since Amy said "I'm looking for prom dresses even though it's 4 YEARS AWAY"
-High or middle, it's all pretty negligible.
"I was in fact disappointed in the fact that they never revealed what happened after the police found Amy's camera."
-I think that was one of the points of the movie is that most missing child/woman cases don't ever give any answers. There's a show called Disappeare here in the U.S. on the ID channel, and it deals with a lot of cases of teens gone missing. I saw one episode where a body was found, most families are left wondering what happened years after the fact.
"Also people who are calling Megan a whore just stop, she was never really a whore to begin with. Megan was a good friend to Amy and would have done anything for her."
-It's easy just to say whore. She acted whorish, though like you said, what she did had to do with what had happened to her in her life. She was a troubled girl who tried to do the best she could, but her bad decisions are easy to label for a lot of people.
"I cried when I saw there talk during the credits on how they wanted to better there lives when in the end they couldn't..."
-It's definitelyheartbreaking, and sobering. It's tough material. It's as sad as it is scary.
"I know you think this is a stupid question but how did Megan died? Did she die from the torture device on her or was it from something else, I'm just trying to understand that concept."
-I would guess she was treated the same way Amy was, though we will never know. He could have killed her in plenty of ways. I kinda feel alright with not knowing lol
"Hey M'hael if you're reading this all can you give me a reply to all of my questions and add statements to my comments. Thanks"
-I did! Welcome :)
Happy VD and be safe. Watch something happy today, nothing like Megan is Missing :)
I did I watched some nice stuff to take my mind off of it. But thank you for answering my questions. Now I want to compare this with a similar movie "Trust" but instead the girl is safe and sound except she learns when she was willing to have sex with the pedophile that he video taped it and posted the video for everybody to see.
ReplyDeleteTrust was decent, but it's a very different movie in tone. Still creepy though.
ReplyDeleteI've got to say that MIM is a very effective film. I'm 16 and my friends and I decided to watch this at a sleepover, not knowing what it was about, we chose it because the cover looked creepy. We were all giggly because of the racy parts and we all know better not to talk to strangers but we were all instantly spooked especially when we saw Josh's shadow behind Amy when she was under the bridge. Just knowing that this could actually happen to girls our age scared us and we all immediately deleted unnecessary friends from Facebook and other social network sites. Sure the acting wasn't perfect but I do believe it holds a very strong
ReplyDeletemessage. It was difficult to sleep that night but what I saw in MIM will forever be etched in my mind.
Im a 16 year old girl,& before I watched this, I'd skype with random guys. This opened my eyes. I dont know who im talking to, & they could do anything. When they showed the pictures of Megan, I couldnt help it, I threw up. I cried the last 30 minutes of the video. To be honest, I didnt see Josh in the background when Amy was under the bridge. But once it replayed it, I got the chills. This movie scared the shit out of me, & the director hit his target head on. My facebook went from 578 friends, down to 200. My skype is deleted. 95% of the people on there were random guys. After I watched this, I called my bestfriend & made her do the same, (right after I told her I loved her & that I hope I never end up in a barrel with her). Im going to make my sister, whos 15, watch this. Thank you, for showing me how nieve my age group is.
ReplyDeleteOh, & I wanted to say, that this IS HOW TEENAGERS ACT! Im 16,& parties, video chats, & online hook ups are what we do. I dont mean to sterotype all teens, but 95% of teens I know act like this. My friend Joe is 14, & she has a 3 month old son. 80% of my friends are teen moms. Drugs are a big issue too. My brother works on th ambulance & alot of his calls are overdosed teens. Parents just dont pay that much attention. My bestfriend was murdered. She said she was staying at a friends house, but met up with an older guy. Her body was found at a park. It happens. Its how teenagers are nowadays. Watch what your kids do, & double check what they say they do.
ReplyDelete"After I watched this, I called my bestfriend & made her do the same, (right after I told her I loved her & that I hope I never end up in a barrel with her)"
ReplyDeleteThat made us sad to read :(
You wont end up in a barrel, Anon girl. Just be smart, that's all.
The last 22 minutes seem to real for acting. How can teen actors even begin to pull off that kind of acting, but then again if it was indeed real, how in the hell would it be allowed to be released. Needless to say, It's 3 days later from watching the film and I still can't get over it, nor do I know if I will ever. How can this happen, how do people end up this way , i'm not talking ignorance either, HOW DO YOU LOOK CHILDREN IN THE EYE and harm, this was beyound any kind of abuse, this was evil, pure evil, will I get over it?, no
ReplyDeleteDefinitely powerful stuff, Anon.
ReplyDeleteSome viewers of MIM have been dismissive, calling it exploitation, or saying that it's just ridiculous... well a year after its release, the movie is still genuinely messing with people's heads, so good or bad, it sure as hell is doing its job.
Hey, it's called survival of the fittest.
ReplyDeletethis comment proves that they let anyone on the internet
DeleteThis movie sure did keep me up late. I recently turned 18, but not too long ago (about 3 years ago) I met with someone online, a girl, but who knows. It could have been a man acting as a girl. Point is. I am glad that it wasn't, and that I am alive. Nothing has scared me this much ever. It was indeed a powerful message. I am very terrified at who I talk to on the internet, and I may have to make my girlfriend watch this. Even if she does HATE "horror" I want her to know the extremes of talking to ANYONE online... Thank you Mr. Goi.
ReplyDeleteThis movie sure did keep me up late. I recently turned 18, but not too long ago (about 3 years ago) I met with someone online, a girl, but who knows. It could have been a man acting as a girl. Point is. I am glad that it wasn't, and that I am alive. Nothing has scared me this much ever. It was indeed a powerful message. I am very terrified at who I talk to on the internet, and I may have to make my girlfriend watch this. Even if she does HATE "horror" I want her to know the extremes of talking to ANYONE online... Thank you Mr. Goi.
ReplyDeleteI put on this film very late last night because most nights dumb indie horror flicks help me to go to sleep. For some reason this one kept me watching, even during the "boring" first hour, I guess because I really wanted to see what happened to these girls at the end, but I was totally unprepared for the sick and twisted ending of this film! Usually I read about the film a little bit (without reading spoilers)because I don't want to waste my time on a completely stupid film, but this time I just went with my gut and I'm glad I did! It was tough getting to sleep even after watching it- even being really tired at 6am. I love movies that stick with you and this film will definately do that for a long, long time. This is why I think that it would be a very good tool for people with children, though I would recommend that parents use extreme discretion as to when the right time would be to allow thier kids to watch it or course.I'm 35 and without children, but this film has inspired me to do a lot of cleaning up on my facebook page- I have meant to weed out a ton of my 600+ "friends" for awhile now. Shit,this coould happen to anyone.
ReplyDeleteMy only real "disappointment" with this movie was the lack of information about which 7 cases this all came from. I recognized one of them...the video of "Josh" taking Megan away, which was inspired by the real life case of Carlie Brucia whose abduction was caught by a security camera (she was raped and murdered). My point being that having information about the real cases, whether in the credits or website, allows people to look it up and see the reality of it. That this isn't just a movie...these things really happened. I'm a 31 year old mother of two toddlers (boy and girl), but even as a teen I would look up the stories that inspired movies or books or whatever. Call it a morbid curiosity. But it drove home that what I was reading or watching wasn't just someone's imagination. Truth is stranger and scarier than fiction.
ReplyDeleteI'm 14, and this movie has scarred me for life. I've never been really big on video chatting or meeting people online because I am aware of the dangers of meeting someone you don't know, but this movie totally freaked the shit out of me. I watched it last night, alone, and I couldn't get those 2 pictures of Megan with that metal thing on her face out of my head. I still can't. And I had to turn off the movie when they found Megan in the barrel, since it was 1 in the morning and I was alone. I can't get that image out of my head. Knowing that actually happened to someone sickens me, and to think that could be my future daughter, or any of my sisters, friends, family, anyone! I finished watching the movie today, and it is a very good movie. It really shows the dangers, and scares kids senseless. I'm happy to see others my age get something out of this movie, and start deleting people they don't know off of facebook. I'm not one to be completely freaked out over scary movies, I can always handle gore and suspence, but this was too much... I agree, parents should show their teenagers this movie, it's a real eye-opener. Because of this movie, my mind if forever fucked up.
ReplyDeleteI watched this movie last night and then spent the entire night getting out of bed to check on my 12 y.o. and bringing my 2 y.o to sleep with me (both girls). The beginning half made me want to smack some common sense into these girls but those last 22 minutes were hard to watch. Even with me moderating my 12 y.o internet usage, having her passwords for her facebook, skype, etc, after seeing this, it makes me wonder how much is actually edited for my sake. She jokes how she gets these 'friend invites' from people she doesn't know and unless she can actually find them in school, she won't add them. I'll be waiting a bit to show this to my eldest but you better believe she'll be watching this with me.
ReplyDeleteExcuse me its not only young girls its women also online looking for dates there such things as human trafficking so open your eyes gullible women and girl, the world is not full or roses..
ReplyDelete30 year old hard-as-nails horror fan here. A Serbian Film didn't even bother me quite like this one did..True, ASF was a really gross movie but it wasn't psychologically bad. Honestly, I haven't been this skeeved out since I watched "IT" when I was a kid and then again when I saw the spider-walk scene in The Exorcist at the theater back in 2000. With that in mind, I've seen a lot of really messed up movies and this is another one to add to the collection..But for a different reason this time around.
ReplyDeleteI can imagine how upset a lot of the younger viewers must have been during the last 20 minutes of the movie. I sympathize, I've been through those moments too..It's worse then riding the scariest roller coaster and it lasts a whole lot longer.
But at the same time, I see a lot of positive socially-redeeming value in this movie and recommend this in an educational manner. This is not an amusing film, it is not entertainment; The internet can be very dangerous and this is a crash-course lesson that should be mandatory for high-school curriculum.
Take time and listen to your children, supervise them and educate them about the internet.
The internet is a tool that can be either used for good or for bad, the responsibility lies on every parent to be proactive in their childrens life.
Stay safe :)
Well put, Chris.
ReplyDeleteYou seem to be about the same type of horror fan as I am, not to mention the rest of the who make up THC, and it really jarred me too.
I wish more movies skived me out like "Megan" did.
I masturbated to this movie
ReplyDeleteThe sad thing is a lot of girls I know found the rape scene hot.
ReplyDeleteAlright... well... that's uh... good for you, man.
ReplyDeleteim 15 and i watched this on my own free will. i thought it be like paranormal activity, you know kinda stupid with just enough scary to get some adrenaline going. watching through it it was stupid but i was hooked i couldnt stop watching. then the last 22 mins just fucking terrified me. i chat online and all that jaz but now im more cautious about it. i thought i watched some hardcore stuff but that last scene, nothing can prepare you for something like that. i cant sleep tonight because of this movie.
ReplyDelete>"the media loves to exploit missing white girls for all they're worth. Not so much anyone with darker skin though."
ReplyDeleteHOLY SHIT are you actually fucking serious with that?
And i guess calling a white girl a slut in your article is also perfectly okay huh? I mean at least she's just WHITE Y'ALL.
You racist fuck.
I'm not even sure what one point has to do with the other, Anon, but either way they make no sense.
ReplyDeleteIt is absolutely not racist to say that the media loves to spin missing young, white women into media frenzy. It's just how it is. Feel free to throw the word racist at them, but not us. Observing what is shown on TV makes us nothing but viewers.
And calling someone a slut in one of our reviews is usually done out of levity. If the character acts a certain way, we call it how we see it. We go out of our way not to be overtly profane, but sometimes our word are profanely appropriate. It's all done tongue in cheek, especially with a movie with a heavy subject like this, because it's good to disassociate ourselves from the harsh nature of the subject.
This was a horror movie review, not an indictment of social stigma, so soap-boxing doesn't make a lot of sense in this case. Especially when the soap box you're on is incorrect.
Josh is really bad at digging holes.. In all seriousness though this movie made me cry and throw up and crawl into a little ball leaving me unable to sleep at night love a 14 year old boy
ReplyDeleteOMG ..
ReplyDeleteI can't sleep.. I can't believe what I just watched .. I cried
.. I thought it was real:( We really need to know what are kids are doing at all times and know where they are and who there with .. The last 22 mins where UnbeLIeveAble I couldn't even imagine :(:( wow!
I am watching this movie tonight. I'm just another young girl 13 years olf( DEFINITLY IDIOTIC after reading reviews and the general storyline of this movie ) who is probably NEVER going to chat online again after seeing this. I know it's wrong and I NEVER give away personal information, but just the reviews chilled me to the bone. I cannot wait to see this, only because I want to help myself by setting myself on the right path again.
ReplyDeleteWish me luck, I might not sleep for a couple days, lol.
I just watched this movie.. I found it on netflix, had no idea what it is about and It was 3 am. I figured Ill watch a dumb teenage horror flick that is filmed like paranormal activity... OMG NOW I CANT GO TO BED.. I think Im scared of the internet for good... @_@ I think I should try to fall asleep to a disney movie.. Last 22 mins was brutal.. I use to date online and I met my boyfriend online... I dont think I can ever online date again.. THANKS MEGAN IS MISSING!!
ReplyDeleteThis movie was inspiring to me it was alittle scary thought when I finished seeing it me and my little sister couldnt sleep over ever walk alone.... It jus makes me think why is there bad ppl do we deserve it why do these sick ppl do it .... Any who the scariest part was showing the pics of megan with her mouth wideopen it made me scream and the second picture but also megan in the barrel
ReplyDeleteM'hael: do you know which real cases the movie is based on?
ReplyDeleteAnon, I do not know all of the cases the movie is based on.
ReplyDeleteI do believe that the cases of Carlie Brucia and Kacie Woody are two of them.
I also know that Michael Goi is involved with the Polly Klaas foundation, and some elements of that case probably came into play here as well.
I've talked to Michael Goi a few times since writing this review, and if I get the chance to talk with him again, I'll ask him about all of the cases.
The M'hael: thank you.
ReplyDeleteI'm 13 and me and my friend watched this tonight. We are scared out of our minds. This movie is disturbing and disgusting. But, it is highly effective. Not that I would ever go out to meet a stranger, but still. So many girls my age don't understand how dangerous this kind of stuff can be. I cannot sleep because of this movie but I know for sure that this movie scated me. In a good way. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteI recently turned 13 and I just watched this movie twice..around 1 A.M.
ReplyDeleteThe sad part is that it didn't affect me as much as everyone else. It didn't scare me, but I did find it a bit disturbing. The acting was terrible, but the movie in itself is worth watching. I thought it wasn't going to be a movie worth finishing with all the swearing and ignorant teenage behavior. My mind was changed at the end.
I do talk to strangers online, but this movie has made me unsure about even doing that anymore. Everyday, you hear about more missing children. You have to wonder...
Could that someday be me?
Could that someday be my kid?
There is so much other issues on T.V. including politics and the weather. I only see short pieces on T.V. about current missing children. I honestly think this should be showed in schools. My friends have over 100 friends on facebook and half of them they don't even know.
I only have 60 facebook friends. All of them I know well and half of them are family. I can't even imagine how heartbroken my parents would be if I went missing.
In conclusion,
this is a movie worth watching and showing your kids. It didn't scare me that much or make me feel sick to my stomach, but it affected me in a way no other movie ever has. I will think twice before even entering a chatroom again.
I have nightmares after watching it at dirty it was boring I was about to watch another movie until the girl went missing I decided to continue watching and wow I was shaking with nightmares and images
ReplyDeleteI have nightmares watching this movie. The images just kept coming nonstop. If this is real hav God bless their soul.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the info, Anon.
ReplyDeleteChilling stuff.
Having volunteered for perverted justice for a while (the folks you see on to catch a predator) - not being able to stomach it after finding some things, I really think this movie is mild and doesn't go nearly far enough. I'm a little surprised with the far more horrendous things happening IRL that people are "shocked" by the end of this movie... realistically, it more than likely would have been a lot worse. It's great that this movie might influence kids to be safer online, but again, it's very very mild. I'm not going to get into how... but if you really want to teach your kid to avoid predators, research how pedophiles groom their victims so you can clearly explain to your kid what to watch out for... and show them real life stories versus a fictional movie.
ReplyDeleteGood points, Anon.
ReplyDeleteI think for the average person, this movie and its ending get the point across effectively.
I can absolutely see how it could be considered mild, especially by a person who has been in the trenches of that particular world.
Either way, I'm glad that it has at least made some of the less informed kids and parents out there truly think about online safety.
i saw this movie with my mum, i'm 20 and i talk to guy on the internet and i even once met one of them (out in the open with friends) but after watching that movie i was horrifed and wanted to lock myself in the house and never leave, my mum and I were scared shitless by this movie, i ended up deleting my online accounts and changing the ones i have to private, it's a good message to send to young girls to be careful.
ReplyDeletei watched this with my mum and i was horrifed and never wanted to leave the house it had a great message and scared the shit out of anyone who wanted to meet someone online, (i;ve done that before when i was 16,but in a crowded place with friends) but some young girls don't, it's good to show people so they know to be careful
ReplyDeleteDon't lock yourself in the house Ana, it's just a movie :)
ReplyDeleteBut... it was freaky, and the internet can be a creepy and dangerous place, so just be smart and you'll be right as rain.
Also, boys are bad. Listen to your mum :)
Hi I'm 20 years old and my husband is 22 and we are from California. We have seen some pretty fucked up shit in our time, but this topped it off. I watched this movie about a month ago with him and I still cant get the pictures of Megan and her friend out of my head. My husband has all but stated that he refuses our little girl (if we ever have one) to never go on a chat site without me or him standing by. This movie is definitely an eye opener. I want my daughter to watch this movie and I definitely wish they would show this movie in school. I am the kind of person that would prefer to have every teen take a class before they used the internet in high school just so they would be aware of the dangers out there, but that's just me. I'm paranoid. LOL
ReplyDeleteAn eye opener indeed, Anon. I'm sure if you two have a daughter, she'll be fine :)
ReplyDeleteScary stuff though for sure.
ReplyDeleteMy friend and I (both 15 at the time) were on a horror movie marathon and had no idea on what to watch next, and after some googling we found Megan is Missing, watched the trailer and thought it looked like a good movie to end the night on because the crappy acting would make it less believable.
The first half was boring as hell so we skipped ahead, and went from skype calls to getting raped and girls rocking up in barrels and we literally were screaming and slamming the laptop shut! It was absolutely terrifying!!
W As 15 year olds we weren't innocent-minded and we knew stuff like this goes on, and that its horrible and not to talk to random suspicioso people, but when we watched this we didn't sleep and had to go on a huge Disney kick to get it out of our heads..
If you care about your childs mental state, don't show this to them.
P.S We both thought Amy was a bit stupid and still don't understand why she got down on the ground, ate dog food without using her hands, just to have a teddy bear... :/
Scared the shit out of me I deleted Facebook OoVoo Instagram and Kik now im dead watching Madea all night !!! Im 15 and I only like older guys I dislike guys my age I sometimes tend to meet up with older guys I'm just lucky I didn't meet any at night like they asked or in hotels I'm angry I watched this scary shit im completely paranoid
ReplyDeleteIve watched this movie twice now, I was home alone for about 2 hours and wanted to watch something scary because I felt like it. I found this on netflix and watched it, after the photos were shown I had to take a break and then 10 mins later I finished it. I was terrified, I had to call my parents to come back home I was so scared. Im sort of young and spent a lot of time on the internet and sometimes talking to people I dont know (never sharing personal info) Then two nights ago I watched it again with my friend, She is a lover of horror movies and I told her how terrifying it was, I even showed her the photos on google before we watched it but when they popped up and the barrel scene we screamed and hid our faces. We ordered pizza and I was so terrified I forgot to give him a tip too, now I feel like a jerk but still we got so scared and it was my SECOND time! She said even though she loves horror movies, this one fucked her up for life. I personally didnt delete any unknown followers but I am now cautious of who I talk to. I also think (as a high school student) this movie should be watched to maybe "knock some sense" into us teenagers. This movie is a good one to watch, the acting is so bad its actually believable. If you havent watched it, watch it! Just dont watch it alone like me :-)
ReplyDeleteThis movie actually happened. Although those were actors the events were real and the recording footage at the end actually is real footage. It is so horrible to know a man could actually treat teen girls this way.
ReplyDeleteI stayed up just reading tons of comments. Super disappointed that this movie is no longer streaming on netflix. As a parent of a girl about to turn 13, I feel I must watch it. Gonna have to rent it if only to reaffirm how closely I need to guard her. And yeah, depending on the sexual content (I hear Megan is out of control), I may have her watch it too.
ReplyDeleteI have a few nieces around that early teen age, Megan, and I whole-heartedly agree with you. It's a good movie for them to see, as long as they are mature enought to handle it.
ReplyDeleteIf I remember right (it's been a few years), there is no "graphic" sexuality in this movie, but a ton of teens talking about it, and I believe an implied oral sex scene.
The DVD is only $7 on Amazon, so if you really want to check it out, it will cost no more than an average movie ticket. Still would have been better to be able to catch it on Netflix though.
My girls are 14 and 18. They do all that Internet chat meet me like face book. I have always tried to warn them. Well I found this movie and watched it I couldn't stomach it I was in shock. I just got done with watching it I bought it on vudu. Needless to say I just told my girls to watch it... Hopefully it will do the same to them as it did to me and hopefully they will delete meet me am other accounts or at least be a lot more careful. My son is only ten so I will wait a couple of years but it happens to boys as well as girls so our songs need to be just as careful..
ReplyDeleteI was told i had Genital Herpes six months ago. of course it was the worst experience ever and i thought my life was over. So i went online to find things i can do from prevent getting outbreaks and maybe even cure this. I found someones story and how it possibly cured him. ive only had once outbreak which was the first one and i havent had another in six months. This is what i did! Vitamin D one tablet 3x a day, Vitamin C one tablet 3x a day, L-Lysine one tablet 3x a day.You can also take tea tree one tablet 3x a day, everynight after a shower i clean my lower back and make sure its nice & clean i add DSMO cream Mix with 8 drops of oregano and put it on your lower back. The DSMO cream is the one ive heard that can possibly cure it so that is the most important, im soon going to get tested again and im praying to God it comes out negative. I am very happy, that is why i am here to testify on how Dr PETER helped me and how he has help people that i have directed to him, i am not shy to broadcast about how i suffered of HERPES disease because i am free now, i was positive for 3 years but now i am HERPES Negative now with the help of Dr PETER Herbal Medicine. My dear friends, i am glad to say Dr PETER cured me and made my family happy again. he can cure any disease or sickness so i advice you to contact him if you have any problem you can contact him today via Email: (ayokospellcaster@gmail.com or ayokospellcaster@gmail.com) or call +2348132537313 whatsapp or call
ReplyDeleteI was told i had Genital Herpes six months ago. of course it was the worst experience ever and i thought my life was over. So i went online to find things i can do from prevent getting outbreaks and maybe even cure this. I found someones story and how it possibly cured him. ive only had once outbreak which was the first one and i havent had another in six months. This is what i did! Vitamin D one tablet 3x a day, Vitamin C one tablet 3x a day, L-Lysine one tablet 3x a day.You can also take tea tree one tablet 3x a day, everynight after a shower i clean my lower back and make sure its nice & clean i add DSMO cream Mix with 8 drops of oregano and put it on your lower back. The DSMO cream is the one ive heard that can possibly cure it so that is the most important, im soon going to get tested again and im praying to God it comes out negative. I am very happy, that is why i am here to testify on how Dr PETER helped me and how he has help people that i have directed to him, i am not shy to broadcast about how i suffered of HERPES disease because i am free now, i was positive for 3 years but now i am HERPES Negative now with the help of Dr PETER Herbal Medicine. My dear friends, i am glad to say Dr PETER cured me and made my family happy again. he can cure any disease or sickness so i advice you to contact him if you have any problem you can contact him today via Email: (ayokospellcaster@gmail.com or ayokospellcaster@gmail.com) or call +2348132537313 whatsapp or call