... let's take a moment to pay tribute to love in all of its creepy, vile, and just-plain-wrong, glory. Maybe some of the
Horror flick romances below captured our hearts and souls, or maybe others made us feel the need to go and take a cleansing shower... Who are we to judge, though?
Let's just celebrate amore' and ignore the fact most of the examples below are creepy as hell.
Who doesn't think raping a hot dead chick is romantic? You? Well then, don't watch Deadgirl, because that's pretty much what the movie is about. That, and love. |
She's talking about her penis, Oskar, because she's got one. Gives a whole new meaning to the title Let the Right One In, doesn't it? |
Jennifer's Body was an awful movie, but the sex scene between Amanda Seyfried and Megan Fox did make us believe in love again. |
"Mmm, Mom." Yes, Sleepwalkers went there. |
Ron Jeremy's man hammer loved everyone in the movie One-Eyed Monster; in fact, it detached itself from his body and went on a porn-whore rape spree. |
I'm not even touching this one. Labyrinth. |
Yes, this crazy whore from the movie Macabre did make love to a rotting head named Fred, which is horrifying on many levels, but you have to admire her conviction. |
Snowy knew exactly what he meant when he told her "I'm going to flock the shit out of you." She didn't much like it, but she knew. |
The Loved Ones taught us that In Australia, the love between a father and a daughter involves sex, torture, murder, and a basement full of Mongoloids. |
That's it for this year's
Valentine's Day Massacre, and look, you all survived. Now I hope whoever is sending me wet leather gloves that smell like pickles will stop, because,
VD is over. Also, it's really creepy.
i can be slow-witted with acronyms, and the "goodbye to VD" kinda threw me off since i haven't read the previous entries, so i went around thinking "venereal disease" for quite a while before it clicked...yeah..
ReplyDeleteMaybe we had the clap, you never know...