August 2, 2016

9 New Movies Hit VOD Today!

VOD 550
*Check out our other Release Date Pages: Blu-ray & DVD, Theatrical, VOD, TV.

We usually don't do VOD posts until Friday (because new titles are released on both Tuesdays & Fridays, and so we prefer to catch them all at once), but there were 9 new movies of note released to VOD today, so we wanted to give a quick heads up ahead of our normal What's New on VOD post.

The Bodyguard, Edge of Winter, Embers, Saving Mr. Wu, Summer Camp, and Sun Choke are on our Must See list, and the rest don't look so bad either.

Alright, The Amityville Terror looks bad, but we have to see it anyway.

*Be sure to click the pics to rent the movies, or watch their trailers. Or both. Or neither. It really depends on your mood, now doesn't it?

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