Another month, another
10 Horror Eyes!
Is there a
Horror movie out there that doesn't offer at least one close-up of someone's eyes during its runtime? We sure hope not, because we just can't get enough of them. They're windows to the soul, you know.
So once again, let us celebrate the ocular images that add that extra tension and emotion to our favorite films. *We mean that as a generality, as these are not necessarily our favorite films. Then again, they're not necessarily not our favorite films, either. Could go either way.
Classic Will Graham Eyes (Manhunter) |
Modern Will Graham Eyes (Hannibal) |
Eyes that have seen too much (Bad Meat) |
Inhuman Eyes (Hardware) |
"You're So Pretty" Eyes (Maniac 2013) |
Shining Scatman Eyes (The Shining) |
A Recovering Addict's Eye (The Addicted) |
The Clapping Game Eye (The Conjuring) |
Innocent Dee Wallace Eyes (The Howling) |
Preparing for True Horror Eye (Requiem For a Dream) |
You should add Lugosi eyes in White Zombie. Well.. in ANYTHING he is in, really, but mostly in White Zombie...
Great list!