We're going to consider this week to be the calm before next week's storm; next week, there are a lot of must have titles hitting shelves such as
The Collection, and
Blu-ray versions of
From Beyond and
Phantasm 2.
Still, this week boasts a few good flicks worth checking out.

We're not honestly sure how we feel about
The Hobbit. It was good, but it just didn't strike a nerve with us like the first three
LOTR universe movies did. We're going to own it, just not today. We're probably going to be in the minority on that one.
Gorgo is a gem of a flick for lovers of monster movies. It holds a special, nostalgic place in our hearts, and we are definitely adding that one to our collections.
Zero Dark Thirty is a must have title for some of us. I don't see myself watching it over and over again, but it was good none the less, and worth a buy.
The real gem of the week is the 4 pack of cheesy action movies. If you love watching the "so bad they're good" titles of the world, you need to own this. Hell, I'd pay $10 for
Alienator alone. Grab some beer, gather your peoples around you, and laugh your asses off.

Timerider is a cheesy classic, and
Shadow People and
Hellgate are pretty interesting. The rest all look interesting, so we'll be renting them to see what they're all about.

It's not that we hate sexploitation flicks, but we're certainly not buying or renting them. Just not our thing. So unless they come on cable, we have to skip them.
hellgate AKA shadows is bad.only the last 20' are interesting but it doesn't worth the wait.