Remember when
Slasher flicks used to be fun? You know, a bunch of hot teenage chicks and dumb teenage guys would be brought together in a secluded locale for whatever reason, and then find themselves systematically picked off in bloody, painful ways?
Blood, boobs, clever kill scenes, and a killer out for revenge because they were wronged so many years ago... That was good stuff. Usually.
The good girl always lives, the whore always dies... but then again so does the bitch, the fat guy, the plain chick, and most of the time the plain, nice guy too. Twist endings were fun back then, and didn't feel like some sort of shitty gimmick, and would at least set up a sequel or something. They were all shallow and exploitative, perhaps, but they were loads of fun anyway. They were like forbidden fruit.
Check out that forbidden fruit. |
Well, you can throw all of that shameless fun out the window, because this remake of
House On Sorority Row is devoid of anything redeemable.
Soroity Row was talked up as being "a return to the glory days of old school
Slasher flicks," which is pretty much a lie. Off-screen kills with little blood or gore; VERY little shameless nudity or sex; characters that ALL deserve to die painfully; a sorry script that made us both laugh and cry at the same time; and an ending that gave us three "twists," all of which sucked.
Oh yeah, and we also get
Carrie Fisher showing up to collect a paycheck. My, how
Princess Leia has fallen.
Now throw it with deadly accuracy, random college chick! |
Recently I've been harsh on flicks like
Twilight and
H2, which were both abysmal in their own way, but at least they got some things right;
Twilight, as pathetic as it all is, at least stayed true to what it was aiming for; and
H2, while making me want to throw a sleeping child over a cliff, at least had some cool gore, and it managed to get at elast a few
Horror elements right...
Sorority Row though, just took a crap on the floor of the genre, rolled around in it, and then had the gall to ask us for a hug.
This is exactly the kind of genre movie that deserves genre hate, with its glossy, empty veneer, and it's crowd-cheating jump scares. How do you mess up the concept of a bunch of hot, slutty coeds taking showers, having sex, and being sliced and diced? You can't, because it's a no-brainer!
Such wasted potential... |
Let me give you a quick rundown: there's a chick named
Chuggs... what kind of douche-baggery is that?;
College chicks are portrayed as mentally challenged, slutty, evil, plotting harpies... forget that one, because it's not too far from the actual truth; there's a tire iron with a knives on it that can be thrown with deadly accuracy down long hallways and easily bury itself right in the middle of someones forehead; we get bodies that don't immediately tumble over when a tire iron with knives on it is thrown with deadly accuracy down a long hallway, and easily buries itself right in the middle of their head forehead; there's a lame, "fake" twist, followed by an even more lame "real" twist, and then yet another twist before the credits that will make you roll your eyes in disgust. Or laugh.
Do I need to say anymore? No? Good.
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In summary, all I can say about
Sorority Row is that it's horrendous, and if you waste your time and money seeing it, then shame on you.
This movie can suck it.
When not even a gaggle of ill-behaved
Hotties are enough to save a cheap
Horror flick, you know you're in trouble.
Awwww, I actually enjoyed the hell out of this one for all the reasons you hated it. :(
ReplyDeleteYou've been infected...
Yeah, I didn't enjoy it, but I didn't find it MORE stupid than 99% of the other slashers I've seen over the last 9-10 years.
ReplyDeleteI gotta say I sort of liked was awful, oh god yes, but I was amused. Then again, I have an inexplicable affection for terrible horror I guess this one might have just been bad enough to tickle my fancy
ReplyDeleteI begrudge no one for having a jones for bad movies... they are all sorts of fun. I just get irked to no end by sucky movies, as opposed to the "so bad that they're good" movies.
ReplyDeleteI liked it cos of its shinyness and yeah BRIANA EVIGAN. The chinese girl was hot but she cant act for shit. Anyways..
ReplyDeleteWhat did you think about the new 'ELM STREET' trailer? I so FUCKING loved it.
"Why are you screaming already, I haven't even cut you yet."
Eye candy aplenty, Ifaz. And Brianna is way hot.