*Be sure to take the word of Bloody Disgusting with a grain of salt when it comes to this movie; one of the site-runners over there is a Producer on V/H/S, so the reviews will most likely be biased. That's no knock on BD -whom we do tend to knock for pimping so many shitty films that end up sucking- because we'd be pimping our wares to the nth degree too if we produced a movie too. Trust me, we'd be downright whores about it.
V/H/S is a Found Footage/Anthology flick, which will give many casual fans immediate pause due to the fact that so many lower budget FF flicks tend to suck, and anthologies usually don't turn out that hot either, at least lately. With V/H/S though, the FF aspect of things was at least handled in a new and creative ways, and as an Anthology it worked pretty well, so don't dismiss it out of hand too quickly.
There are five stories and a wraparound in V/H/S, each one bringing something different to the table.
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King of the Douche-bag Kingdom. |
Verdict- This segment was alright, but the dick-hole characters and their nonsensical behavior didn't make us love it any more. It was creepy enough, but the payoff wasn't as great as we expected. It felt a bit too quick, especially since it's the centerpiece of the movie.
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This is why I'm terrified of bar whores. |
Verdict- As annoying as the characters were in this segment, and they were VERY annoying, this one was fun as hell. Sure, no one acted with any sort of sense whatsoever, and it seemed as if their actions were sometimes directed by the need to film what was happening for the sake of the movie, but the payoff was pretty good. By good, I mean bloody and nasty. Also, boobies and bush were present here.
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This is why I will not sleep in motels. |
Verdict- Short and sweet, we really liked this one. It was simple and straightforward, but something about it just grabbed us. Most people who have seen V/H/S consider this the one of weaker segments, but we just don't see it that way. Ti West gave us a pretty creepy story here, and the best ending to one of his projects to date.
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This is why I don't go into the forest and film things. |
Verdict- Style-wise, we liked this one the best. The clever way in which we see the killer was pretty disturbing and different, and it's definitely packed with plenty of blood and gore. We also liked how it turned into a mean little revenge story, and we admire the lengths to which our Final Girl/Guy went to to achieve it.
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This is why I stopped camming. |
The Verdict- Despite it ending... oddly, this one had some genuine moments of terror within its odd confines. We thought the boyfriend was useless as far as giving her good advice like "run" or "leave your apartment now and don't return," but we came to peace with that as the segment wore on. Also, there were some nice boobies in this one.
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This is why I do not go to parties in basements. |
The Verdict- Again, aside from the lackluster conclusion, this one was fun as hell, and packed full of a ton of craziness. The group of male characters weren't annoying in this one either, which was a nice change of pace from the Dude-Bro's we were forced to endure in the earlier stories. This was a pretty decent closer.
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Blair Witch homage? |
Ti West, Adam Wingard, Joe Swanberg, Glenn McQuade, David Bruckner and the collective known as Radio Silence take up directorial duties here, each bringing their own style and take to their stories. We're big fans of West, Wingard, Swanberg and McQuade around here, and you should really check out their movies such as I Sell the Dead, You're Next, The House of the Devil, The Innkeepers and A Horrible way to Die; all great flicks from great horror minds. *Radio Silence is new to the directing game and we weren't big fans of Bruckner's The Signal... so shoot us.
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That's a really long knife. |
This one earns itself a fairly solid grade, of B although it could have been tighter on the acting and plot structure front.
V/H/S i available now on Blu-ray, DVD, and VOD.
Here's a small sampling of the hotness on display in this movie, of which there was plenty... plenty of boobs and sexy parts to be seen, that is.
Awesome review as always.
ReplyDeleteI too thought the shorts were entertaining at best, but not as awesome as I thought they would be. My fave one was actually the 'web cam' one - but like the rest of them I wasn't satisfied with the ending.
The vampire one was pretty sweet too - creepy but subtle vampire effects.
And as for the douche bags that strung the whole thing together - they were annoying as hell. esp at the start. I actually wanted em to get what was coming to them - but then maybe that's what the movie was going for.
Agree wholeheartedly Clarence,good movie, but not truly great.
ReplyDeleteI loved this one actually. First time in a while a film has given me that "suffocating dread" feeling I quite like...
ReplyDeleteA definite A for me.
This is just one of those movies that will polarize audiences.
ReplyDeleteSiderite, you are always a tough critic, but what you say here isn't off base at all. For me, the characters and the way most of the segments ended was way worse than the shaky cam thing, although that was bad.
The first 15 minutes was was really tough, and it pissed me off how shaky everything was and that I had to endure such moronic characters during all that shake... after that though, it evened out a bit and was far more enjoyable. The stories did seem to get "smaller" as the movie went on though.
Omega, "suffocating dread" is a good way to put it. V/H/S has its faults that can't be denied, but it was definitely effective on the dread level.
I wanted to see this ever since i heard about it.And I'm not sure of it now I have.I know this is dumb but a little back story somewhere would've been helpful and a better ending.The segments were good,even though it did at times feel like walking into a film halfway through.
ReplyDeleteOverall the film does deserve the rating you gave,it just left me wanting a little bit more
Yeah Zocial, it was good, but I thought it would be way better.
ReplyDeletesaw the first two stories,the first was funny the second boring.
ReplyDeleteYou guys are usually very well and finely written, but to be honest, this movie was awful. I never felt any sort of fear, and it was, in the end, I suppose, a waste of money. No plot arch. It was obvious what was going to happen before it did... I like you guys, and I expect more from you than a write up B for a BBBBad movie, in any sense.
ReplyDeleteAnon, lots of people really did not like this movie, and it's not one of the year's best for us, but it worked on some levels for us.
ReplyDeleteIf we went back and watched it again, it might end up being a C for us, but at the time, despite its obvious flaws and shortcomings, we just felt like it was in the B range.
Rating/grading a movie is a hard thing to do sometimes. So many factors go into that process, and the grey areas of "loved it" and "hated it" can blur together.
V/H/S won't make our year's best list, but we did think it a bit above average.
A little late chiming in, but I'm one of those people who thought this was flat out awful. BD has a lot of pull in the horror community. I won't get into their sketchy practices in great detail but they have a long history of - shall we say - leading people astray. Apparently, the site went bats*** over this for months w/o revealing its connection to the film. Dishonest as that is, it wouldn't matter all that much had this actually lived up to the hype. And in my humble opinion, it does not. This is every bit as bad as hundreds of dtv movies released every single year that people trash without giving it a second thought. The only difference is that VHS had the benefit of a 'hype machine' while others don't have that luxury.
ReplyDeleteThe stories were all unoriginal, under-developed, unscary and poorly written. They were executed so poorly they couldn't even deliver a few cheap jump scares. Most of the acting was terrible (I did like the vampire / succubus girl in the first segment but that's it), the characters were obnoxious, the dialogue scenes were extremely clumsy with people obviously ad-libbing through parts, talking over each other and needlessly throwing out the f bomb every other word to the point of annoyance. So yeah, I wasn't a fan of this at all. I was actually pretty shocked at how bad it was. I give it a "D" and feel that's being generous.
On the plus side, great blog!
I agree with everything you said in your first paragraph, Pit. The movie was way hyped, sometimes in shady ways, and didn't live up to much of the hype.
ReplyDeleteI personally don't find V/H/S to be as bad as you do, but I can't argue against your reasons for not liking it.
I liked some of it, but I don't thin I'll ever need to watch it again, you know?