April 1, 2014

Horror & Genre VOD Release Dates!

VOD 550
*Click these links to see our other Release Date Pages: Blu-ray & DVD, Theatrical, and TV.

As prevalent as VOD is becoming, we don't understand why so few movie sites highlight these releases; VOD Releases deserve their own list or tab on any serious movie site, and it's really hard to find either on most sites… especially Horror sites.

You can't watch it of you don't know it's out there, right?

So here's our list of all current & upcoming VOD Releases that are of interest to our inner Horror/Genre fans. Release Dates change constantly, and therefore so will this list, but what we have here is the best representation of the movies of note that are hitting VOD, and when.

  • Our links will go to either Amazon Instant (if you want to watch them right now), or IMDB (if the movie in question is playing on your local Cable Provider's On Demand service, or isn’t available for pre-order quite yet.)
  • Titles marked “EARLY RELEASE” are available for purchase on Digital HD, ahead of rental. 

This list will constantly be a work in progress...
ORDERNov 20 VOD LIMDec 15Dec 18 VOD LIMaNov 24 (2)Oct 27 VODoct 23 (2)Nov 10thNov 13sept 18 aDec 8 (2)deDec 4Oct 16 VOD LIMsept 8bNov 20fFinalSept 29 (2)Oct 27Nov 24Oct 6 VODDec 22bNov 6th VOD LIMDec 18Oct 6b (2)oct 20 (3)Nov 24 (3)I SpitDec 8sept 22Sept 30Dec 1st (2)Oct 9kDec 8thNov 10Dec 15Dec 22mNovember 3rd cNov 17Dec 15thbNov 24 (2)Dec 8sDec 22Dec 22cNov 27oct 16 LIM VOD toct 20 (2)Oct 23Oct 20 (4)Dec 15thNov 10 Coming SoonjanuaryJan 5Jan 5thjan 5ljan 5oJan 5thJan 8 VOD LIMJan 8Jan 8 VOD LIMJan 12bJan 12cJan 12dJan 12hJan 12eJan 15Jan 15 VOD LIMJan 19Jan 22 VOD LIMJan 22Jan 26Jan 26cJan 26dFebruaryFeb 2jFeb 2ndFeb 2Feb 5 LIM VODFeb 9 SOUNTHBOUNDFeb 9Feb 12Feb 23170 x 267MarchMarch 11Mar 11 LIM VODMar 25vod foot


  1. What happened to Hangar 10?

    Great site btw.

  2. Hangar 10 is released today, and we're in the process of writing the weekly VOD column, so it's in limbo for now!

  3. What happened to It Follows? Is There another vod release?

    1. It Follows was doing so well in limited theatrical release that they decided to expand its run to more theaters, so the VOD released got pushed back.

      I'd imagine it will probably hit VOD in mid-late April now.

  4. Grim Reapers is a cool little horror film on Amazon.
