With so many horror flicks out there, it's hard to know what to take a chance on (we get confused easily.) In most cases, aside from reviews and buzz, it's the poster/box cover that arouses our curiosity and sucks us in. Here are a few that have been arousing us lately...
Vampegeddon- This movie looks more like
Whore-geddon, and we likey.
Chloe- Who cares what the movie is about... look at that face! Especially those soft, supple lips. And if you are familiar at all with
Amanda Seyfried, you know she has groovy boobs too. Plus,
Liam Neeson instantly makes any movie he's in better, so we must see this movie.
Bottomfeeder- The retro feel of this poster makes us smile. The fact that it's by the creators of
Black Devil Doll makes us wonder if it will be anything more than mildly amusing, cheesy schlock.
Babysitter Wanted- Sold!
Splice- That's a great looking, clever little poster. We can't wait to meet
Dren on June 4th.
I Spit on Your Grave- Yay, another remake of a classic (that's debatable) 70's horror flick. Awesome poster, but I have a feelig this will be far less satisfying than last years
Last House on the Left remake was...
That Bottomfeeder poster promises more than it can deliver, I think. But I'll wait and see...