June 12, 2015

What's New on VOD for the Week Ending 6/12?

Only two titles to report on this week, but that's alright; the rest of June has a full lineup of VOD offerings on the way to keep us busy, so we're fine with a lull before all of that craziness begins.

*Click the pics below to watch the trailers & rent the movies.

Der Samurai: A wolf strives through the woods around an isolated German village. Jakob the young local police officer is onto him, but scents something more in the darkness. What he finds is a man, it seems, wild eyed, of wiry build, in a dress. He carries a katana, a Samurai sword. When the Samurai invites Jakob to follow him on his crusade towards the village, it becomes Jakob's mission to pursue the lunatic to end this wanton destruction. At the end of the night Jakob has experienced too much, is too far from whom he once was. Something hidden has been unleashed to meet the first rays of daylight.

Artsploitation Films is releasing a bunch on interesting looking movies on VOD this Summer, and Der Samurai is the first of them to hit streaming platforms. The movie has definitely got an odd (and bold) premise, and the trailer looks downright creepy, so we'll be jumping on it the first chance we get.

Between this one and the upcoming Horsehead, Artsploitation Films is setting themselves up to become a unique voice in the Genre, and we're all for it.

Eli Roth Presents: The Stranger: A mysterious man arrives in a small Canadian town seeking his wife, though his presence plunges the community into a bloodbath.

Produced by Eli Roth, and directed by the guy who appears to be Roth's go-to stock writer of late (Aftershock, The Green Inferno, Knock Knock), The Stranger looks interesting enough. As big of a name as Eli Roth is in the Horror Genre, he really hasn't produced anything that spectacular since Hostel (The Sacrament and The Last Exorcism have probably been the best of them), but we still dig his style, and we're still willing to check out a movie with his name attached to it.

Let's hope that The Stranger marks the beginning of an upward trend for him, producer-wise.

Happy streaming!

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